Taya Stapelfeldt | Embracing the Inner Goddess

How One Woman’s Path to Self-Discovery is Transforming Lives Through Somatic Mastery

Based in Ibiza, Taya Stapelfeldt is a renowned somatic leadership coach, mentor, and embodiment trainer for women entrepreneurs and coaches seeking a holistic, fulfilling life encompassing soul partnerships, motherhood, and a thriving, purpose-driven business.

Over the years, Taya has profoundly impacted numerous influential individuals, including conscious entrepreneurs, celebrity coaches, speakers, and renowned artists, guiding them to embody their Higher Selves and navigate life’s complexities with resilience and purpose. Her clients often refer to her as ‘the woman with the key’ due to her ‘direct connection to truth,’ and the essence of magic is palpable in her results. This unexplainable quality, combined with her strategic focus on tangible outcomes, sets her apart as a somatic strategist.

Taya’s unique approach to somatic mastery integrates years of spiritual practice with leadership coaching, mindset training, movement, breathwork, and energy work, enabling clients to transform on every level. Through her exclusive 1:1 mentorship, she trains conscious business leaders and professional coaches in unique somatic skills for sustainable impact. In just three to six months, her remarkably precise tools guide clients to complete transformation, creating lasting change and new directions for decades to come.

Taya’s expertise has been featured in GOSS magazine, The New Female Leader podcast, Live Wide Awake podcast, Green is the New Black, Meditation Moments App, BBC Radio, and White Ibiza, among others.

Tell us more about you, and here we are looking for the parts of you that are not so known from your online presence.

I’d love to share the details of my story that many people might not know about. From a very early age, I was immersed in the healing space. My family was deeply involved in the first wave of seekers in the late 1970s, traveling extensively in search of healing and higher consciousness.

When I was just one year old, we spent a few months in Ibiza, an island known for its magical and healing energy. My uncle had moved there, and I learned to walk on the island’s red soil, which has always been a hub for those seeking transformation. This early exposure to such an environment deeply connected me to my inner truth and intuition. Our family continued to explore spiritual communities, including a significant period spent in the U.S. and the Greek island of Ithaca, further embedding me in a life of spiritual exploration.

Despite this rich, intuitive upbringing, my path wasn’t linear. When we returned to Germany for a more conventional lifestyle and education, I found myself gradually losing touch with my inner gifts. School, societal expectations, and the norms of everyday life conditioned me to conform, and it took years for me to rediscover my innate abilities.

When it comes to your own personal journey of deep healing and liberation, what has been the catalyst for your growth?

This journey of rediscovery was marked by a significant turning point when I experienced a physical and emotional breakdown. Despite a successful career in journalism and a life of perceived freedom, I realized I wasn’t living my true essence. This awakening was the catalyst for a profound transformation, guiding me back to my intuitive and psychic abilities.

What advice would you tailor to your younger self? Other women that are “stuck”?

Looking back, it felt like I was living in two realities: one where I was deeply connected to my true self, and another where I conformed to societal norms. It was only when my body could no longer bear the dissonance that I fully embraced my inner voice. This pivotal moment led me to somatic mastery, a deep integration process that resets the brain through the body.

Walk us through your offers and enrolments for women who want to join your space?

My approach to healing and transformation is unique. I call it “somatic mastery,” and it goes beyond traditional somatic practices. It involves a complete reset of the brain through the body and is a deeply integrative process. My extensive training in various healing modalities over the years has allowed me to refine this approach, making it highly effective for the women I mentor.

Today, I offer an exclusive mentorship program for women leaders, entrepreneurs, and coaches. My program is designed to help these women break through their limitations and embody their true essence. Through a process that spans three to six months, I guide them in tapping into their core power, moving past trauma and conditioning, and embodying their true selves. My mentorship is not just about achieving success but about living a life that is truly aligned with one’s inner truth.

My work focuses on reconnecting women with their deepest selves, helping them find their unique essence and purpose. I emphasize the importance of listening to one’s inner voice, reconnecting with the body, and embracing the natural cycles of life. My approach is both rigorous and deeply nurturing, enabling women to transform their lives profoundly.

Working with me empowers you to achieve both internal and external growth. This includes fulfilling career changes, finding your soul partner, blossoming in your sexuality and feminine sensuality, overcoming infertility challenges, and breaking through old realities. I assist women in making significant decisions such as building a business, relocating internationally, selling their company, and becoming investors. Additionally, I help in liberating your family system from generational trauma, mastering somatic practices for authentic self-expression and leadership, creating deeply fulfilling abundance, and uncovering and embodying your true life path.

MANIFEST WITH US : What are you actively calling in now? 

My vision is to empower women to live authentically and powerfully. I believe that by helping women leaders embody their true essence, they can create a ripple effect, transforming not only their own lives but also those of others. My work is a testament to the power of embracing one’s unique gifts and living a life of deep, soul-aligned fulfillment.

For those seeking to embark on this transformative journey, I offer a pathway to profound personal and professional growth. My mentorship program is a blend of deep, intuitive work and practical, actionable steps, ensuring that women not only reconnect with their true selves but also embody this truth in their everyday lives.

I do want to call in women who resonate, who are praying for this kind of work that I can give. It’s a new modality that so many people just don’t know that it’s even there. Everyone is speaking about, “I want to come home to myself,” but it is all of your layers. It speaks, ignites, and activates everything you are.

What are some things that people might not know about you?

From a very early age, I was in the healing space. I was three years old. It was the late ’70s. My parents were traveling and looking for a different life. My uncle went to live in Ibiza, where I live today. That was my first time in Ibiza. Ibiza is an island of magical energy. It’s like a healing hub. Already back then this energy was there. It attracted many soul-searching people looking for themselves, wanting to heal and transform. I don’t think the expression “self-development” was coined back then, but that was the beginning. I learned how to walk here on the red soil of Ibiza. My parents kept traveling. They went to visit spiritual communities in the US. We traveled for six months and then my dad moved to Ithaca, which is a Greek island. It’s also very spiritual. You might know it from the Odyssey, the Greek mythology. So very early on, I was in that field of higher consciousness.

Looking back, that was my natural state. I was free, running around in nature, deeply connected to my inner truth, to my instincts, to my intuition, to my psychic abilities. Then my mom decided, “Okay, I’ve seen all this world, but I do want my child to grow up in a proper societal environment with proper education,” and we went back to Germany. I lost access to all of this, bit by bit. School, conditioning, normal life, normal neighborhood, and what people thought should be normal reality. It took quite a while to rediscover it, to be honest. 

It was always as if I would live in two realities, almost my secret truth with this connection to what I could see and often not understanding why other people couldn’t see what I could see. But at the same time, there’s this natural need to belong, to fit into the environment where you’re at, and to put yourself into a box or into a false identity, like most people do today. We want to belong, we want to live a life where we get some acknowledgment, some kind of love, some kind of feeling like “Oh, we made it, we are someone out there.”

I had always done what I wanted. 

My mom always told me, “You can do whatever you want. You are free.” But my wanting came from this kind of level of conditioning, wanting that acknowledgment. I always kind of got what I wanted. I was successful in my journalism career. I traveled. I freelanced. I had all this time, all this freedom. I thought that was exactly what I wanted, until one day. I broke down. I was down on the floor, my body collapsed because I hadn’t listened to this inner voice screaming at me, “This is not you. Come on. Come back inside.”

What advice would you give to the version of you or of other women who are too scared to listen?

I would just tell them that it is exactly right that you are scared because there is something bigger out there for you. And everything new is very scary but you gotta go. There are ways. There are people out there who have done the same. Talk to them. Don’t keep talking to the people around you. 

They cannot see what you feel. There are ways. Listen to the deep inner voice. And you listen to it by reconnecting to your body, reconnecting to the deeper places. Especially for women, come back into your pelvis, into your instincts, into your vagina where we are making babies, where babies grow, where life grows. That’s where we have so much wisdom, and that’s where you can remember who you are.

What was the biggest moment that was a catalyst for your growth?

What I’m doing today — somatic mastery — is not what you would usually think is somatic work. It goes much deeper. It’s a complete reset of the brain through the body. It’s a deep integration process. Because so early in life I was exposed to the healing world, it was normal for me to do healing, yoga, therapy work, coaching, and holistic approaches to nutrition. But this was before my awakening. That was kind of on the surface. When I collapsed and my body screamed, “Go all the way,” this is when I found the first somatic coaching modality. I was looking for it. I almost invented it inside of me, and when I realized something that I was looking for already existed, I went all the way. I did training for years, professional training that was super hard and super strict. 

Only a few people would graduate. And that’s exactly what I wanted because I knew this was my path. I kept developing this approach further and further in the last 12 years. It’s been seven years since I moved to Ibiza. It’s another level of freedom here where you just constantly download new information. I work with people from all over the world, and women leaders from all over the world. That’s how I keep growing and optimizing my approach.

What is your zone of genius?

It’s collapsing time into this three-month or six-month mentorship that I’m offering, where people have access to me. It’s about a very deep relationship with yourself and thus also with me. So it needs to be a very good match. But it’s a very good match if you’re ready to go. If women out there feel it, then from there it can be a match. It’s really like, “I’m ready to break through my old matrix. I’m ready to go all the way and tap deep inside of my body.” And, yes, you might go through all the trauma and all the conditioning. But that’s never the point. That’s never the focus. The focus is your power, your essence, your core, your innocence that you were born with, but to embody it today as a powerful woman. What are the choices you make then? Who is the soul partner you find then? What is your purpose then? It’s totally different.

I hear people constantly talking about their why, and in a split second, I see where that why they’re talking about is coming from. Is it coming from the core of who you are? Or is it coming from other layers of consciousness? So what I mean by collapsing time is to start with who you are and find that why deep inside. It’s a place of innocent power that’s still there, that we’ve just forgotten that it’s there. We think we have to do coaching and therapy forever to go back there but, usually, it takes me two to three hours to get you back into the connection and then it’s three months to embody it and change your life. I feel we’re in such an intense time today in humanity where we have a choice. Are we going to get scared and fall back and regress or are we going to go all the way? But that takes a big decision from deep inside, in my opinion.

What do you have coming up for the year?

My only exclusive offer right now for the year is a mentorship with a certain amount of sessions. It’s directed at entrepreneurs, leaders, business owners, and women who lead movements. So, leaders that have a ripple. I deeply transform powerful women who have a voice so that they can ripple their transformation out into the masses, out into transforming other women. I work a lot with leadership coaches and mindset coaches, but also a lot with women entrepreneurs, women who have it all but hit a glass ceiling and realize, “Oh, my god, my why came from a different place and I’m actually in a golden cage. What is my legacy? What do I want to leave for my children?”

“You’re such a powerful essence. You are a powerful goddess. We need this gift that you’re born with. I want to see it, and I want to see you embody it. And from there, you can naturally give back. But first, find that gift inside of yourself. This is what you were born with. It’s so valuable.”

It depends on where this woman is. If you’re a mother and you’re leading a global business, you might not be able to make three hours a week for your self-development. But you always have time to talk to me in messages every day. You can do it in the car. You can do it during your lunch break. You can do it whenever. You don’t need to carve out extra time. For women who are ready to go, then we can collapse it into three months. And then after, women are just like, “Oh my god, if I can go here in three months, I’m going to go another three months or I’m going to do six months because now I can see the big plan.”

You can just fill out a form, like a quick questionnaire. You give me some information to prepare for a 20-minute call. And then we can see if we want to go together, like a chemistry call. I quickly define exactly where we have to go. The feminine fire to action comes from a very different place, which is so creatively chaotic. It’s not so linear. It’s not only soft and sweet. It’s wild.

How do you set yourself up for an abundance mindset?

There’s a certain way that I open my channel, my connection to Mother Earth through my body up to my highest self, the highest level of consciousness. It’s a certain way of movement and breathing and opening up, which doesn’t take long. It’s not like a half-hour-long practice that you have to do step by step. It’s more like a decision to open up my channel. When I’m fully embodied and connected to my womb, then I can just trust that abundance comes from this right place, and then it becomes fulfillment. I don’t only do it in the morning, I do it a few times a day, in a very natural way.

What is your magical formula for living a harmonious life?

Completely going out of my way. Dropping the ego and riding the waves of what life is giving to me. In coaching, we always say, “Life is happening for you.” So, in a fully embodied way, ride the waves and know I either succeed or fail and learn. In the end, it’s all deeply integrating the learnings into my body and dancing towards that next level and the beautiful goals that are meant for me.

How do you find balance?

I do not believe in balance. I believe in opening. When I open my system, all these feelings can just move and transform. And I’m okay with feeling it all. That makes me very free and empowered. Maybe it’s more like being in tune with life itself, the natural cycles of life. I see it as comparable to giving birth, the principles of contraction and expansion. That happens all of the time. When we are aware of it, surrender to it, and open our somatic system to it, that’s the ultimate attunement.

“My story is a powerful reminder that true transformation comes from within, and by embracing our unique essence, we can live a life of profound purpose and fulfillment.”

What do you want women to retain the most from the work that you’re doing?

I hear all the time, “Wow! There is life before Taya and after Taya.” Usually, women come because they have a problem or they are in a crisis. Then we work through all of this and every area in their life changes. They come home to a whole new place, and they don’t even know that this is possible. From this real awakening, suddenly they have such big choices and such big decisions that they’re making. So that’s my standard. And I wish to give this to everyone because right now is a time when we can wake up. I want you to be one of the first who sees it. Time is now. Something new is happening in this world. If you can be one of the first, why wouldn’t you?

What are your psychic abilities?

It’s through my body, through instincts. I’m very careful with these abilities. Only when a woman signs up with me do I fully open up, because I can literally feel you all of the time. I would know if something significant happens like my client giving birth, I would dream of the birth. But I can switch it on and I can switch it off obviously. Otherwise, I would go crazy. But I’ll use it in the best possible way to constantly make your unconscious conscious for you so you can make better choices for your life. And if you are a coach, if you’re a leader yourself, you can guide people better with this knowledge.

Believe in your unique essence. You are a powerful goddess, unlike anyone else. Trust this deep connection within yourself, and allow it to shine in the world. Your gift is valuable, and the world needs it.

Photo Credits – Masha Kart

Follow @TayaSomaticLeadership on Instagram.

For more information on her fabulous offers,  head to her website

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