Aesthetic Innovations | Dr. Andrea Herschorn’s Journey to Natural Beauty

Pioneering Non-Invasive Treatments and Personalized Care in Cosmetic Medicine

Dr. Andrea Herschorn is a renowned aesthetic physician based in Toronto, known for her innovative and patient-centered approach to cosmetic treatments. She graduated from the University of Toronto with a medical degree and then went on to complete her residency in family medicine and additional training in cosmetic medicine. Dr. Herschorn has over thirteen years of experience in aesthetic medicine, specializing in non-surgical facial rejuvenation techniques. She is a pioneer in introducing cutting-edge technologies such as Tixel and Morpheus8 to her clinic, ensuring her patients have access to the latest advancements in the field.

Herschorn’s philosophy is rooted in achieving natural-looking results, emphasizing the enhancement of her patients’ natural beauty. She is highly regarded for her meticulous technique, particularly her “light sprinkling of filler” approach, which provides subtle, yet impactful improvements. Her dedication to patient safety, ethical practice, and continuous learning has earned her a loyal patient base and a reputation as a trusted expert in aesthetic medicine. Outside of her professional life, Dr. Herschorn enjoys spending time with her family and exploring new innovations in skincare and wellness.

We’re so glad to have you back! Almost two years since we last spoke – what has been the biggest changes and updates in your world?

A lot has happened since we last spoke. I’ve introduced many new aesthetic services to my clinic to address my patients’ concerns, including skin texture, neck and jawline laxity, sunspots, and melasma. We are one of the first clinics in Toronto to offer Tixel, a revolutionary skin-tightening and textural-improving technology with no needles. My patients have been thrilled with their results, experiencing tighter jawlines, improved complexions, smaller pores, and smoother textures. Some have even thanked me for bringing this new technology to the clinic.

Additionally, as some patients have been asking for alternatives to fillers, I now offer Sculptra, an injectable treatment that stimulates collagen production, improving skin quality and restoring skin structure and volume. I also offer Skin Boosters, a light hyaluronic acid treatment that smooths fine lines, hydrates the skin, and stimulates collagen. This treatment is fantastic for smoothing out necklace lines, also known as “tech neck”. 

On a personal note, I’m recently divorced but have found the love of my life, who has helped me grow tremendously, both personally and professionally.

Can you share a recent case study where you were very pleased with the results?

One of my patients came to see me, concerned that she appeared sad when she looked in the mirror. She pointed to her lower face and frowned. I used a combination of dermal fillers to lift the corners of her lips and marionette folds, smooth her chin, and tighten her jawline. I also used Dysport, a neuromodulator, to reverse the pull-down of the DAO (Depressor Anguli Oris) muscles, relax the mentalis muscle responsible for chin dimpling, and smooth out her forehead wrinkles. 

After her treatment, she looked in the mirror and saw her filler results instantly, and her sad look was gone. She was so excited to see even further improvement once the Dysport results settled in two weeks later. The sad look is just one case, but everyone’s cosmetic needs are different. Common aging concerns include looking tired, weathered, angry, saggy, or wrinkly. My patients want to enhance their appearance to look youthful and more like themselves again. Achieving their cosmetic goals often significantly boosts their confidence.

What roles do patient feedback and testimonials play in shaping the services and treatments offered at your clinic?

My patients’ needs and concerns drive the new services I bring into my clinic. Their feedback leads me to seek out new treatments and adapt techniques. For example, I had several patients request Botox injections into the trapezius muscles, known as Trap Botox, to relax their tense muscles, improve posture, and relieve headaches. Since I started offering Trap Botox, many patients have experienced a reduction in pain, tension, and headaches, feeling that it has been life-changing.

Are you one of the first ones to implement this technique in clinic?

Trap Botox has been around for quite a while as part of the migraine protocol, at least here in Canada. It gained popularity on Instagram over the last two years because patients wanted that Barbie look to their posture, achieving an elongated neck. As patients started to see this more, they also heard about the improvement from a pain perspective, which was its original purpose. I always watch to see what’s happening in the industry to ensure there are no serious side effects. After doing my research and learning the techniques, I then started to offer it.

Do you promote a more natural approach versus strictly doing what the client wants?

My philosophy has always been to achieve natural-appearing results with every cosmetic treatment I perform. Patients come to me for my approach. They want to look like themselves but the best version, whether it is to reverse the signs of aging, prevent aging, or enhance their features. Most of my patients seek more natural-looking results. I often hear, “I want to look more refreshed, less tired, or less angry, but I still want to look like me and I’m terrified of looking overdone or for people to notice that I did something to my face.” Occasionally, a patient may request a treatment that would result in an overdone look. I see my role as providing honest feedback and education on how to best enhance their natural features.

How do you navigate the intersection between societal beauty standards and individual patient goals?

Social media influencers and online beauty trends have certainly altered the aesthetic medicine industry. Filters and trends create unrealistic expectations of what is achievable with cosmetic treatments and what is considered beautiful. I discuss these issues with my patients and create an individualized plan tailored to achieve their desired look with a natural-appearing result as the ultimate goal, setting realistic expectations.

What dosage of lip fillers or Botox would you recommend for regular use?

For lip filler, generally, I allocate up to about one syringe of filler for the first treatment. I always choose the filler most appropriate for their lips, whether they have thinner lips or more volumized lips to begin with. It’s extremely unusual for me to use more than one syringe of filler for lips to begin with. 

In other areas, more may be needed. It depends on the person. Factors like recent weight loss, anatomy, and other life factors play a role. For Botox, the dosing depends on the strength of their muscles, the depth of their creases at rest and with movement, their facial anatomy, and sun exposure over the years. Patient goals also differ. Some want to eliminate all creases and are okay with minimal movement, while others prefer more movement and are okay with some creases remaining. 

Can you share a memorable patient success story?

I have a beautiful patient who was born with a cleft lip and palate and has undergone multiple surgeries throughout her life to correct them. When she first came to see me, she hoped I could make her lips more balanced, symmetrical, and fuller with filler. I’ve seen her on several occasions to treat her lips, and she’s been thrilled with what we’ve achieved for her. It means a lot to me to use my expertise to help her feel more confident in her daily life.

What motivates you to continue innovating and pushing the boundaries of aesthetic medicine despite the challenges you may face?

One of the challenges in cosmetic medicine is related to dermal fillers, the worry about looking overdone, and the concern about filler migration. I fully understand these concerns and spend considerable time reassuring my patients, especially new ones, that my approach to filler minimizes these issues. I use only hyaluronic acid fillers that are dissolvable, choose the most appropriate type of filler for the area we are treating, use the least amount of filler possible to achieve the desired results, and only proceed with filler treatments when warranted.

Patient feedback and the confidence they feel after treatments motivate me to keep pushing forward despite the challenges. There’s nothing more rewarding than a patient who was hesitant to proceed and then sees their instant results in the mirror right after their filler treatment and says, “I love it. Why did I wait so long?” It happens all the time.

What would you say about patients who go to different doctors?

In medicine, continuity of care is extremely important. That means sticking with the same practitioner to ensure nothing is missed and you receive the best possible care. In cosmetic medicine, it shouldn’t be any different. When I tailor a treatment plan for a patient, it considers their previous treatments, side effects, likes, dislikes, and goals. If they bounce around to other clinics, each practitioner will provide a different result, and they won’t necessarily know what someone else did.

If a patient comes back to see me after going elsewhere, I don’t know exactly what was done, what type of product was used, or how it was placed. I often have to reassess and sometimes dissolve filler to start again. On countless occasions, I’ve had patients say, “I’m so sorry I went somewhere else. My friend asked me to come with them to a Botox party, and I went even though I knew I shouldn’t. They did a horrible job.” I’m always happy to reassess and correct any issues.

What are you looking to achieve in the near future from a professional standpoint?

As I approach five years in my clinic, it’s gratifying to reflect on this time and look forward to the next steps in my career. I’m excited to keep growing my business, improving the patient experience, and perfecting and adapting my techniques. I’m always on the lookout for new treatments and technologies to offer at my clinic to address my patients’ needs and concerns. However, I’m also cautious about something that seems “too good to be true.” I ensure any new treatments have a sound medical background, are Health Canada approved, and have minimal side effects in clinical practice. My patients trust me to choose treatments wisely.

Do you have any quotes or favorite mantras to live by?

One quote by Amelia Earhart, the aviation pioneer, resonates with me: “The most difficult thing is the decision to act. The rest is merely tenacity.” Another quote by Oliver Wendell Holmes, a Supreme Court Justice, also speaks to me: “One’s mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions.” This second quote makes me think of how I’ve evolved my practice and injection techniques over the past 13 years. We used to look at the face as fixing a fold or crease instead of looking at the whole face as a canvas to enhance and balance.

All Photography by Liz Salzman

Dr. Andrea Herschorn’s clinic stands at the forefront of aesthetic medicine, offering innovative treatments that cater to individual patient needs while emphasizing natural results. Her dedication to patient feedback, ethical practice, and continuous learning ensures that her patients receive the best care possible. As she looks to the future, Dr. Herschorn remains committed to pushing the boundaries of aesthetic medicine, making a positive impact on her patients’ lives.

Follow @DoctorAndrea on Instagram.

For more information, visit her website.

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