Goss Magazine No.13

E-BOOK $22.00 // PRINT $33.00

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Introducing the one and only Teal Swan, Best Selling Author, Thought Leader and Activist. She is on a mission to heal the world, and we are with her. We present a very special twist on our Manifest issue. And if you’re into Numerology, you also know the meaning of Number 13, which is one of the most sacred days in the world of the Sacred Feminine tradition. Friday is “Freya Day” the goddess of love, sensu- ality and fertility — also known as Venus. Put the two together and you have a high holy day. Speak about divine timing. Inside these pages, you will find mind blowing contributions by Authors from the likes of Julie Solomon, to Torie Feldman who discusses life-changing wisdom, Meg Thompson speaking all about orgasms and self worth, to Shelly Bullard who lays down the laws of the Art of Manifestation. It’s all in there. Feast your eyes and relinquish your soul... all the way back home.


Inspire, empower, #BeGossy

By women, for women.