Sasha Nizgoda | From Family Resilience to Real Estate Empowerment

Discover the Inspiring Journey of Sasha’s Path from Multicultural Roots to Entrepreneurial Success in Luxury Real Estate

Sasha’s journey is a testament to the power of family resilience and personal empowerment. Coming from a lineage of strong working women, Sasha draws inspiration from the stories of her grandmother, mother, and sisters, who defied societal norms to pursue their dreams. Witnessing their unwavering determination instilled in Sasha a deep belief in the potential of women to overcome any obstacle.

Sasha’s path led her to the industry, where she discovered a natural fit for her strengths in building relationships and effective communication. Embracing the autonomy of entrepreneurship, Sasha thrives in the fast-paced environment, navigating challenges with grace and determination.

As a mother of three, Sasha understands the importance of finding balance amidst the chaos of daily life. Her morning routine serves as a grounding force, setting the tone for the day ahead. With clear boundaries and a focus on self-care, Sasha ensures she remains true to herself while pursuing her goals.

Now, Sasha is embarking on a new chapter, sharing her experiences and empowering other women through speaking engagements, volunteer work and social media. With compassion as her superpower, Sasha continues to make a difference in both her community and the world of luxury real estate.

Let’s begin by telling our audience a little bit more about you. Can you share some hobbies or personal stories that are not necessarily related to your business?

Sure, I come from a family of strong working women, and their resilience has always inspired me. My great-grandmother left everything behind in her country to pursue the American dream, which inspired my grandmother to break barriers and join the workforce. My mother and sisters continued this legacy. Witnessing how they gracefully handled their struggles has shaped who I am today. The power of women continues in my family, as I became a mother to three wonderful girls. I want to show my daughters that with dedication and the right mindset, it’s possible to overcome obstacles and achieve your dreams. I have a strong desire to pave the way for my daughters and to empower countless other women to go after what they want.

It’s incredible how your family history has influenced you. Would you say you were instilled with those values as well?

Absolutely.  Every member of my extended family came from different countries to America for the promise of a better future. Their spirit, tenacity, and willingness to take risks in the pursuit of dreams gave me the motivation to do the same. Despite facing challenges, my family taught me to never fear failure and to never give up.

Now, let’s talk about your entrepreneurial journey. Did you always know you would go into real estate and work for yourself?

Not at all. However, seeing my family’s spirit and tenacity in pursuing their dreams motivated me to do the same. I realized my strengths lay in building relationships, which naturally led me to the real estate industry.

What has been the biggest lesson you’ve learned on your journey, or what advice would you give to your younger self?

Trust your intuition and never be silenced. It’s essential to stay true to yourself and pursue your dreams unapologetically. Embrace your strengths, celebrate yourself, and always trust the process.

Moving into the luxury market, what led you to specialize in this area?

My journey into luxury real estate was unexpected but it has proven to complement my strengths. I discovered a passion for storytelling and attention to detail, which align perfectly with the luxury market. Each home has its own unique story, and I’m honored to help clients through such important moments in their lives.

Tell us about your current projects and what’s coming up in your real estate journey.

I’m excited to embark on speaking engagements to share my experiences and empower others, especially women, to pursue their dreams. I’m building my real estate team and through mentorship, I want to show women that success in real estate is attainable regardless of circumstances. My ultimate goal is to cultivate a powerhouse team of women leaders who will revolutionize the industry.

“Demanding what we want is non-negotiable. As women, we’ve been conditioned to wait for opportunities to come to us. I believe in the power of asserting my ambitions, and unapologetically pursuing my dreams.”

How do you find inner balance amidst the chaos of entrepreneurship and daily life?

Finding balance is essential, especially as a working mom. I prioritize self-care and set aside quiet time in the morning to set the tone for the day. It’s crucial to seize precious moments and stay grounded amid the chaos.

Do you have any daily routines or non-negotiables that set you up for success?

My morning routine is non-negotiable. It grounds me for the day ahead and ensures I start on the right note. Additionally, I prioritize self-expression through writing and dedicate time to connect with myself before diving into work and motherhood. Being fully present in each moment has contributed tremendously to my success.

What boundaries do you set to maintain a healthy work-life balance?

Boundaries are crucial for maintaining balance. Knowing when to say no and prioritizing self-care helps prevent burnout and ensures I can show up fully for my family and clients.

What are some things you’re currently manifesting or wanting to bring to life in your business?

I’m committed to asserting my ambitions and pursuing my dreams unapologetically. I’m here to say that, enough is enough ladies. No more excuses, no more proving our worth. It’s time to take action. There was a time when women couldn’t even purchase a home and were highly underestimated in the real estate industry, but now, we are shattering those misconceptions. We are seeing more female homeowners and realtors than ever and I want to be part of the movement of helping even more women become homeowners. We hold the ability to steer the conversation and it’s time to assert that power.

Is there anything else you’d like to add or closing words you’d like to share?

I just want to emphasize the importance of staying true to yourself and never letting societal norms hold you back. With determination and self-belief, anything is possible. Thank you for the opportunity to share my story.

“I come from a family of strong working women. Because of this, I’ve been very fortunate to witness firsthand the incredible power of women and watch the resilience of my grandmother, mom and sisters, they constantly inspire me to speak up and never settle for anything less than what I deserve.”

Follow @SashaNizgoda on Instagram.

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