Arleta Mykolyk | Founder of BodyFit

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Founder of BodyFit, Arleta Mykolyk spoke to us about her journey as an entrepreneur. A decade in the making, she’s been revolutionizing an industry with the newest integration of technologies on the market. Arleta’s approach is refreshing, accessible and inspiring. She is a mother, a wife, a business owner and she understands foremost the importance of keeping her balance all whilst giving the outmost care to her customers.

Tell me about your journey and how you started.

I actually started my journey with Slimwave Body Sculpting over 10 years ago, while finishing my degree. I fell in love with the product, the results and the client experience. Post graduation, Slimwave was a side business that turned quickly into a full time business. My now-husband has always been my biggest supporter pushing me to take the leap to pursue my own venture.

Can you give a brief summary of the benefits of SlimWave for those who don’t know it?

I work with different two types of  EMS, electro muscle stimulation,   technology now, the Slimwave (body sculpting) and Electro Fitness (an EMS bodysuit worn during an actual workout) . EMS contracts your muscles; by contracting your muscles repeatedly over a period of time, you’re going to sculpt them. A sculpted muscle takes up less place than a relaxed muscle and fat; a sculpted muscle will also burn more calories?  even when at rest. That’s how you take a few inches off of the areas that are treated.

What would you recommend for someone who’s looking to try it?

Slimwave  and Electro Fitness is for just about anybody type and any goal. Slimwave is your targeted muscle treatment ; electro fitness is your active EMS workout. The great thing about Electro fitness is that it contracts over 300 muscles simultaneously during your workout, making it more intense , more efficient but also shorter ; only 20 minutes!  It’s great for beginners because it helps in the correction form and great for the advanced gym goer because it can be quite challenging.

Ten years into your business, I know that there were challenges that you had to surmount. Can you give me one big challenge that you surmounted and turned into a positive.

Being turned down and hearing “no” so many times. While trying to expand my business from a 1 woman operation after having my first baby, my husband and I came across the Electro fitness technology and immediately saw the potential. Initially, we thought our business would be distribution as my husband had extensive experience in sales and I in EMS body sculpting and training. Although, we saw the popularity in other countries rising for Electro fitness, despite our best efforts, the fitness community in Canada wasn’t ready to jump on this trend. We knocked on the doors of all the big players in fitness in Quebec and across Canada, but all we heard was “no”. We felt like we ran out of doors to knock on so we decided to build our own. That decision turned into the BodyFit Center, a center built around EMS technology: fitness and body sculpting.

Are you the only centre of that kind?

EMS technology is now growing in popularity,  but I don’t believe there’s another center that does what we do , specially how we do it.  Electro fitness around the world is a boutique experience, we work with wireless technology and like to take full advantage of our own bigger space and beautiful center.  We offer a fully personalized 20 minute workout experience . Don’t be fooled by the 20 minutes; it feels much longer!

Do you have new technologies or new things that you’re looking at now for the future?

We did come up with a few things that are an addition to when we open our doors very soon. We added a 3D body scan :it  scans your body head to toe and takes all your measurements and your biometrics, including your body mass index, your muscle mass and how that impacts your health and how we can the take steps to improve your current state. It also gives you a great visual for your progress. I’ve had a client that was super happy and was doing the SlimWave with me and the virtual training, and she was saying that she feels great and her clothes fit better. She then stepped on the scale. Her weight did not move. It completely crushed her because she felt that she was doing so good. Fortunately, we had done her body scan before. She hopped on it again. Her scan showed that she lost eight per cent of her body fat and gained eight per cent of muscle mass. we saw her results in 3D, where we could rotate her body and see the actual physical change. That’s a game-changer for a lot of clients that get discouraged. Our core clientele are women in their thirties to fifties. They have careers. They’re busy. They may never even have liked going to work out. They don’t know-how to.

A lot of this stuff is so abstract that if it doesn’t go down on the scale. It’s already hard enough for them to motivate themselves for them to be here, so when they don’t see that number go down, it’s just those bricks that weigh down on their motivation. This way, it keeps you pushing and shows you the whole picture. That is one of the new things we’ve integrated. In addition to that, we’ve added a virtual trainer. I’m excited about this because it’s so much fun. It’s a mirror trainer that you can any type of training that you want. You have it in your mirror so you can still see yourself and the virtual trainer. Our speciality is one-on-one training. I’ll be honest with you, I’m not a Zumba or a pilates instructor. That’s not my speciality; but we can still offer these options to our clients with our virtual trainers .

How do you find balance and manage your time having children too? What advice would you give entrepreneurs?

Obviously, it’s not easy! There’s always so much to do ! I think it’s about asking yourself “ what are your goals“; if you have a partner, what are theirs? What are your priorities? Is it having some time to go for a walk? A family outing? A date-night? Having a clear vision of what you want to accomplish and what you need to accomplish, what are your expectations towards your family and theirs towards you ; you can work out a plan around it. I’m fortunate to own the business with my husband so we to get to spend a lot of time together, however we are on work mode so we still set out our plan.

You guys must have good boundaries of when to talk about work and when to disconnect, right?

We do have our rules. When we’re at work then we’re at work and that’s it. Family issues don’t belong in the workspace period. That is extremely important to both of us because, at the end of the day, it’s important for us to create a safe and happy environment for our clients. If they feel tension; it’s no longer a happy place . When it comes to working, I think we’re both so passionate about this that even when we’re talking about it at home, it’s never a heavy conversation where we feel like we’re dealing with work. We’re just talking about the next step.

What short-term goals and long-term goals do you have set for the business?

Our vision for the business has changed since we opened . As we learn more about our business and our clients and how it’s evolving,  in the short-term , we definitely want to come back better and stronger and grow our community . Unfortunately, we have been directly impacted by the gym closures; we had a one-year hiatus because of all the lockdowns. The immediate goal is focusing our clients and delivering them the best service we can . For the long term goal, I want to create something bigger than myself, my husband and I, and BodyFit. I want to create a space  that could impact many clients all over. With BodyFit, our vision, in the beginning, was this trendy place that offered so many different technologies and training, but it has evolved into something so much more. We  created a community of mostly female clientele of women who are so strong and maybe hate training, but still show up. They have so much to do, yet they still show up. The goal has become about impact on a larger scale.

Do you have an idea of how that looks like or do you think that’s going to be something that’s going to come to you naturally as time goes by?

I would definitely want to plan in the future to have BodyFit in different areas and to serve a bigger clientele.

What motivates you?

My family and my kids. I definitely love to see them grow up in this environment. My daughter is this little firecracker where she’s growing up in this environment where even in the last year she talks to us about how when she grows up she wants to be a hairdresser and wants to open her own business. Now, she tells us she wants to hire her friends to work with her because she needs employees. She even started selling some of the toys that she doesn’t use anymore so that she could start funding her business. That is definitely a part of it, to watch them grow up with this type of energy. Another thing that motivates me: our clients. They come with this beautiful energy. These are people who don’t usually like to train and who have never stuck to a gym before in their lives. They show up day in and day out. Some deal with so much pain and so many issues, and they open up to us. Seeing them come even when their worlds are crumbling and they can be anywhere else in the world, and they just show up because they say that this is the place where they have that half an hour for themselves, and it makes them feel happy. How can you not be motivated to feed their energy to push them forward and to just keep going?That motivates me so much, that this could be that safe space for many . I want to be better to make them feel better.

Follow Arleta Mykolyk on Instagram : @arleta_bodyfit

For more on Bodyfit, @centre.bodyfit 

Cover Photo Credit @edwinbasoraphotographe

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