INÉSNation Launches Debut Album | 300K Streams

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There’s a new superstar on the scene — and she is coming for it all. Enter INÉS Singer and Songwriter from @INÉSNation

She launched her first song, “City of Angels” on January 29th and already has over 222,000 streams total in less than two weeks on Spotify and all streaming platforms. This is the power of social media, but also of building a brand. INÉS has been adamant about her social media presence and showing the process of becoming an artist, from day one. “Before I even had one song written, I already had billboards in my hometown and Los Angeles in order to hype up our project.” she states in an interview with GOSS Magazine ICON Issue.

Birthed in Quintana Roo, Mexico, INÉSNation emerges as a dynamic collective, weaving together the rich tapestry of musical talents originating from Latin America. At its helm stands the enigmatic figure of INÉS, a visionary Singer/Songwriter whose captivating presence infuses every note with an ethereal allure, guiding listeners into a realm of pure flow and transcendence.

Drawing from a kaleidoscope of influences, the soundscape crafted by INÉSNation is a mesmerizing fusion of genres, seamlessly traversing the realms of jazz, blues, and folk while embracing the raw energy of rock ‘n’ roll and the heartfelt storytelling of country music. Each composition is a testament to the boundless creativity and artistic depth of the ensemble, leaving audiences spellbound and yearning for more. INÉS herself remains a captivating enigma, her allure beckoning listeners to delve deeper into the mysteries of her musical journey. Surrounding her is a collective of exceptional talents, each member adding their own unique flair and expertise to the collective’s sonic tapestry.

Embark on an unforgettable voyage with INÉSNation as they chart their course towards musical greatness, their sights set on reaching the pinnacle of recognition with their tagline #55GRAMMYS. Join their odyssey and witness the magic unfold on @InesNation‘s Instagram, where every post offers a glimpse into their captivating world.


In this mesmerizing five-song Extended Play, we are introduced to the eclectic sound that encompasses her signature. From soft rock, alternative, country, and folk with Mexican accents, we get to dive deeper into her world and what it means to feel through her words. We got to sit down with the famous lead singer herself (who also writes all her songs) and got to understand just what the lyrics represent.


“My papa left us at 7:33 PM EST on January 29th of last year. He is the reason I launched myself into music. And so, my first single release “City of Angels” is launching at 7:33 EST on January 29th of this year, when my daddy is now my angel.

This song has many meanings… the fact that I wrote it on the way to Los Angeles to visit my first billboard on La Cianega boulevard. The fact that it was written for him. If you’ve ever gone through loss of a loved one, or have ever experienced grief, this song will melt your heart and give it peace. It has become the INÉS signature. Our first of many…Thank you for giving it a thousand listens. Thank you to the dreamteam who helped me bring it to life @albaralcantar by @anacamilaviolinista and produced by @cocouru

Mi papá nos dejó a las 7:33 p.m. EST el 29 de enero del año pasado. Él es la razón por la que me lancé a la música. Y así, mi primer sencillo, “City of Angels”, se lanzará a las 7:33 EST el 29 de enero de este año, cuando mi papá ahora es mi ángel.

Esta canción tiene muchos significados… el hecho de que la escribí camino a Los Ángeles para visitar mi primer cartel en el bulevar La Cianega. El hecho de que fue escrito para él. Si alguna vez has pasado por la pérdida de un ser querido o alguna vez has experimentado dolor, esta canción derretirá tu corazón y te dará paz. Se ha convertido en la firma de INÉS.


“This song is very close to my heart. It is a reminder that home is not a place but rather a person. We drew inspiration from the movie “Lakehouse” which is a beautiful story of two lovers who meet but never aligning to the same time. I remember Albar coming for a session and it was raining outside… this felt like a mixture of it all. And of course, like any good story, it also hits close to home. Our second baby on the album “Life In Pink”.

Esta canción es un recordatorio de que el hogar no es un lugar sino una persona. Nos inspiramos en la película “Lakehouse”, que es una hermosa historia de dos amantes que se encuentran pero nunca se alinean al mismo tiempo. Recuerdo que Albar vino a una sesión y afuera estaba lloviendo… esto parecía una mezcla de todo. Y, por supuesto, como toda buena historia, también llega a casa.


“I wrote this song years ago, over five years. Before I even knew I was going to go into music. I had it saved in my voice notes on my phone. It was the first melody I started working with @Albar on when we launched our project. It felt like an alien speaking to the human race about being born in this world. “I woke up in this body, and it’s not me”. Which is what the song sends as a message in its concept of transformation. It holds a lot of symbolisms and hidden secrets. Some that are not yet worth sharing but rather explored.”

“Escribí esta canción hace años, más de cinco años. Antes de saber que iba a dedicarme a la música, la tenía guardada en mis notas de voz en mi teléfono. Fue la primera melodía en la que comencé a trabajar con @Albar cuando lanzamos nuestro proyecto. Se sentía como un extraterrestre hablándole a la raza humana sobre haber nacido en este mundo. “Desperté en este cuerpo, y no soy yo”, que es lo que la canción envía como mensaje en su concepto de transformación. Contiene muchos simbolismos y secretos ocultos, algunos que aún no vale la pena compartir, sino explorar.”


“Released on February 14th for Valentine’s Day : On this special day of love, we encourage you to leave that shitty relationship, to aim higher and to always always LOVE YOURSELF first. On a day that promotes cheesy hallmark cards and extravagance, we decided to launch this beautiful flamingo-inspired hit that gives you the choice to level up. Don’t settle in anything in life, especially in love. Pour all that energy into loving yourself and creating the biggest explosion of love that exists inside of you first — only then will you attract the version of you that gets to have the greatest love story of them all.”

Lanzado el 14 de febrero para el Día de San Valentín: en este día especial del amor, te animamos a que dejes esa relación de mierda, a aspirar más alto y a AMARTE A TI MISMO siempre primero. En un día que promueve las tarjetas cursis y la extravagancia, decidimos lanza este hermoso hit inspirado en flamencos que te da la opción de subir de nivel. No te conformes con nada en la vida, especialmente en el amor. Vierte toda esa energía en amarte a ti mismo y crear primero la mayor explosión de amor que existe dentro de ti. Sólo entonces atraerás la versión de ti que tendrá la mayor historia de amor de todas”.


This song was truly something special… @albaralcantar was teaching me impressionism in songwriting and as I was heading to Cozumel he advised me to observe my surroundings and to write about what I saw instead of how I felt… I noticed the heavenly beauty of Cozumel, but also how there was no word to describe “heaven” in Spanish. We created our own word, and decided we would call Cozumel “El Cielo Del Mar” which is the sky of the sea.

This was so much fun to produce. When we showed the melodies to Guillermo @ille_mos he confirmed indeed that it felt inspired by bosanova, a Brazilian genre. He advised us to use the “cuica” a really fun sounding instrument in our mix. It turned out so beautiful. It truly reminds me of paradise… the island of sea.

Esta canción fue realmente algo especial… @albaralcantar me estaba enseñando impresionismo en la composición de canciones y mientras me dirigía a Cozumel me aconsejó observar mi entorno y escribir sobre lo que veía en lugar de cómo me sentía… Noté la belleza celestial de Cozumel, pero también cómo no existía una palabra para describir “cielo” en español. Creamos nuestra propia palabra y decidimos llamar a Cozumel “El Cielo Del Mar”, que es el cielo del mar.

Fue muy divertido de producir. Cuando le mostramos las melodías a Guillermo @ille_mos confirmó que efectivamente se sentía inspirada en la bosanova, un género brasileño. Nos aconsejó usar la “cuica”, un instrumento que suena muy divertido en nuestra mezcla. Quedó tan hermoso. Realmente me recuerda al paraíso… la isla del mar.

Co-written & vocals by @albaralcantar
Produced by @ille_mos
Mastered by the genius @elithmasteringlabs @ortega_pepe
Design by @luchosbuttoni
Photography by @alvaromlfoto @teoyaros
Glam team @thepowerfulmimi @beautylifeloveinternational

Stay tuned for her upcoming release “& so it goes” which will have a jazzy / blues influence with live instruments that include saxophone and piano.

Her album “Life in pink” is set to release on 8.8. 

In the meantime, you can head to Spotify, iTunes Instagram & INES.KOMI.IO to get your daily dose of INÉS & the Nation.

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