Karine Rouillard & Charles Gauvin | Skycrew

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Desire Shifters, Mentors, Activators

Power couple who masters the desire shifting keys

Meet the powerful dynamic duo that is Karine and Charles, Founders of @Skycrewpro. A Quebec couple who found themselves living the dream in sunny Florida, after deciding to go ALL IN on their passion and heart-felt purpose. They launchd Skycrew as the sky is only the starting point for this ambitious couple who will stop at nothing to create their dream life and help others do the same.

Only two years into the industry, they’ve created a successful coaching business and brand, that outlines playing in the dualities of masculine and feminine energies, business strategies all the way to pragmatic tools to manifest dreams into reality. As they say boldly, “we’re the team of the sky, let’s go high!”

Walk us through your journey to enlightenment, what brought you here?

Karine : I was going through a big loss and coping with grief from losing my ex husband who passed away and having to go through this transformation and personal development growth. I met Charles also while he was going through a heartbreak and loss in his own relationship. We were both teachers who worked together in a school, ad were both helping each other going through these different yet similar situations. This is really what brought us together as a couple — and I believe as well as business partners. We both knew we wanted more and we were willing to work together to create a better life.

We know what it’s like to think things like: “well, it’s normal, this is how life is”. We know what it’s like to always be on the rush all the time, dreaming for a better life but never taking actions toward our dreams, ending up staying at the same place for years. We never thought, years ago, that we could have the life that we have today since we were teachers working their 9 to 5. This is what we want to bring: Your life can be so much more than what you believe, and we are there to guide you unlock what you believe is impossible for you.

Charles: During COVID it was really hard for the teachers and the kids to not move, to put masks on, and stuff like that. And then, more and more was asked of the teachers in Quebec. At some point after Christmas, I couldn’t go back to work, not even online. I couldn’t virtually go back on teams or on Zoom for classes with students. It was very hard for me. I had anxiety just before the first day of school after Christmas vacation. It was too much. I never felt that way before, not even during my divorce. There was a second grief because we had to decide if we wanted to continue our job as teachers or not. It was always about helping others. Helping kids in school is a great way to help others. There are tons of jobs that you can do to help other people and coaching was the way that we found.

Where did the name Skycrew emerge from? What does the brand represent to you?

Karine: Skycrew came from a place of expansion. It’s like rising, we go up. You know how they say, “The sky’s the limit,” for us, the sky was not even the limit because there is no limit, let’s go higher. So it became Skycrew with that. It was easier for us to find a name for our company than to use our own names. It was more powerful to use Skycrew and just say, “Okay, we’re the team of the sky, let’s go high.”

What advice would you give to your younger selves now?

Karine: Don’t hide your true self, and don’t be ashamed because you think differently than others and you’re always happy and energetic. People often told me, “You’re always smiling, you’re so energetic. You cannot be happy that much,” but, yes, you can. Maybe you are shy to be your true self because it would be a big contrast to people and people don’t love contrast. I was ashamed of that. Don’t hide your true self and don’t be ashamed to be different or think differently or just be happy.

Charles: We think so much alike. I was bullied a lot in high school and in elementary school. I was different. I had great grades. I was overweight and I had pretty low self-confidence, so that played on me a lot. Don’t be scared of being who you are. Don’t be scared of getting out of your comfort zone. Make yourself visible.

Do you find that a lot of your power has to do with helping and motivating each other?

Charles: Absolutely. She helps me grow every day. She challenges me a lot. I’ve grown before meeting her but since we’re together every day is a personal growth day.

 You always get to choose between Faith or Fear. One thing is sure, both are in your mind, but only one makes you feel good. So, what do you choose?

How do you embody success in your daily life? 

Charles: For me, it’s the gym. At some point in the day, I have to work out. It helps me focus. It helps me put everything out — the emotions, the setbacks, or the problems that I encounter. Or, just to feel good. Gym or training is a core point of my day. We’re not 100% always together, but 75% to 85% of the day we’re together. We used to separate it but now we merge everything together.

Karine: We have separate moments and we have moments together. Our life is our work. For me, routine is moments. I check in with myself, is it about training this morning? Is it about meditation? Is it about yoga? Is it about writing? Is it about reading? So in that way, I can touch base with myself and see how I feel and I can also know what I need. It’s not about cherry-picking, it’s really about connecting with my body so that I can step into my higher self at that moment and for the rest of the day also.

What routines or rituals do you implement regularly to stay in ease and flow?

Karine: We find our balance in sometimes going to the gym or working out together at home. Or sometimes we just lay down on the couch with a coffee and just talk. We talk a lot, and it’s in those moments that we can understand the other one and open ourselves up and say, “How do you feel today?” We talk about how we see the day ahead or how we see the week. No cell phone, no distraction, no things to do. Just me, you, and us together instead of being separate or doing things on our own. And the dog is always there.

What courses do you have for people who want to join your space?

Karine: We are finishing strong in 2022. Our genius is really about taking a desire and shifting it into reality. It’s not just a dream or something you want, it’s something you have. So this is our genius, how we can navigate through that difference between having it in our mind and living it in our life. 

We believe in emotional intelligence, in duality. You need the feminine but you also need the masculine. So if you have a desire, it can be some way you want to feel every day, it can be a need, it can be building a family, it can be going on a trip, starting a business, financial goal, finding love, improving your fitness and your health, etc. but there’s always something that seems impossible that locks you in place and blocks you to take action. You need to work on yourself, you need to do inner work, but you also need actions to make it happen. So we have created a six-month program to guide our clients to conquer their inner fears and create the life they are born to live. And we go deep into those subjects and the things that can be blocking you from the reality that you want for yourself.

Charles: This is our main offer right now. It’s called Rise-Up and it’s a four step formula where we lead you to shift your desires to life! There’s a desire that you have in your mind, in your head, or in your soul. But it’s not real right now, you’re just thinking about it and getting excited about it. It can be because you’re inspired by something or you’re in pain about something. So you want the flip side, you want to change the pain into something greater, into something better. And then after that, there’s the whole body and mind and spirit calibration to go in to get that desire. We crystallize it, we put the actions in motion, and we create a plan. It’s game on. It’s contacting people. It’s, “Okay, what do I do to get that in motion?” And after that, you’re becoming someone else. You’re becoming your new you with your dream in reality, so how can you maintain that new identity? And that process, that formula, this is how we go through our dreams.

Karine: The thing is, we don’t just go towards our dreams, we make them so fast. We are now living in Florida. We came from Montreal and all our desires shifted in two months. Things that people can take 10 years or even a lifetime to do, we can help them create in months. So, the program is about how you can manifest faster. It’s quantum leaping, compounding time. There’s coaching included in that offer but there’s also a part where you get informed about how your body can react, how your mind can set boundaries for you or try to protect you so you can understand it. And together, we are doing the actual work at your rhythm and at your pace. We guide people throughout the process.

Charles: We have two-on-one voxer with private clients and group voxer on the side for our program and our different MasterClasses.

When it comes to manifesting, what is your vision for the future? 

Karine: The big vision is to bring our business into the United States. We want to do retreats in the sun by the beach and everything. And we always dream about building our own coaching school.

Charles: We want to teach our method to other people so they can reproduce it.

What would you like your clients to retain the most from the work that you do? 

Karine: I think it’s about never doubting what you want or what you think you can have in your life. When you envision something in your mind it’s because you can make it happen. So, never doubt your power, never doubt what you want, and always be certain about what you can accomplish. You can do freaking anything.

Charles: Whoever you are on this planet, you’ve managed it until now, so no matter what you want in the future, you’ll manage it.  We block ourselves because of our fears and our beliefs. As Karine said, we live in boxes and put limits on what we think we can do. But there are none. We can manage anything that we want to do. Nothing’s impossible.

Karine: Even if you think nobody has done it, why are you not the first one to do it? In the past, we thought we could never go to the moon and someone did it. So it’s just about changing the perspective, changing the vision that you have, and thinking, “Okay, if I can do it, then who do I need to become to do it, and what do I have to do after that?”

What are your gifts to the world?

Karine: When I think about a gift it’s something you offer to someone. I don’t think it’s something that I can offer, it’s really about just being me. So, my gift is just being myself, and I truly believe that the way I am, I can be the gift. Honestly, it takes a lot of courage to say that because it could come off as overconfidence or something like that, but I know what I can bring to the world.

Charles: I don’t want to copy her but our minds always go to the same place. I know I have some great qualities and some great talents but I don’t want to cut a piece of me to offer to others, I know that teaching through my whole self is a gift.

” No dream is too big. It’s thinking that it’s impossible to achieve that makes it feel unreachable. “

Photo Credit — Audrée Robichaud

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