Learning how to embody your intuitive psychic abilities
Carrie is the CEO of her Psychic Development Company that specializes in Soul Theory, Healing, and Psychic Skill Development. She is a Soul Prophet, Psychic Healer and Psychic Activator. Her Psychic gifts allow her to support the activation of her clients unique gifts, develop and understand the multiple layers of their soul, and support/teach her clients to heal. She supports all of her clients to develop a deeper connection to themselves so they can integrate their unique abilities into their life, businesses and the beyond.
What brought you into the coaching space, and more specifically to hone your gifts as a Psychic?
I did not realize I was psychic. I thought what I was doing was totally normal and that others did it as well. I would see spirits all the time and I thought they were just in my head. I can look at somebody and know in-depth things about them. I can see when tragic things have happened to you. I can see things and I know things. I assumed that everybody could do this because I’ve always been able to for as long as I can remember.
Walk us through the deepest part of your healing journey all the way through to your enlightenment?
Back in 2014, my fiancé passed away, and in his passing, I needed to understand where he went and what happened to him. At that time, I didn’t really have a solid belief around what happens after you die. Did I believe in reincarnation? Sure. I felt that it was always there but I didn’t have proof of it. There was a part of me that feared that you died and everything that
existed inside of you was just gone, like, poof, in one minute — everything about you ceased to exist. I talked to a couple psychics and mediums, and every one I went to see was like, “Girl, you do this, you’re a psychic.” “You’re the one, you’re the psychic.” I was so confused. I could even see my late fiancé. And part of me thought I was crazy. But deep down I knew what was unfolding.
So I started to pay attention to my abilities and actively use them. Before, I would get information and I would use it unknowingly, but now, I learned that I had the ability to go seek information and I realized how important it was for me to use it in my business. At this time I was also running a $16 million company but shortly after my entire life basically collapsed around me. I decided that I was going to start my own business. But I did not start my business in psychic energy. I kept my psychic abilities a secret. I would practice for hours.
Tapping into energy, exploring everything that came to me and mastering anything I was shone. In the public eye I was doing business consulting, but I was struggling. This was really challenging for me because I had been somebody who could always manifest and who always knew how to run businesses. I grew up in the business world and running businesses was effortless for me so I was confused as to why I couldn’t get my business going. Every single time I asked my guides — I use guides and tap into Universal and Source energy — my guides would say, “You must use your abilities, you must call yourself a psychic.” And I replied, “Absolutely not. You think I’m gonna go into the business world and be like, ‘Oh, hey, I’m a psychic and I can see what your business needs?'”
I thought this for months, if not a full year, and my business struggled. I went from making a six- figure salary to barely making ends meet as a single mom — all these expenses of owning a house, kids expenses, and everything else — making maybe $1,000 a month, while other months, no money at all. Then the minute I started calling myself a psychic, within a month I was making $10,000 a month.
This was a total turning point for me because I realized that even if we’re good at something or we like it, there’s something crucial we’re supposed to be doing. And when we’re in alignment with what we came here to do, it literally shifts the course of our life. It opens up so many more possibilities. The problem is that we’re afraid to do it, we’re afraid to step into what we came into this life to do.
How do you embody success in your daily life?
Success is being able to see the wealth that you create, the money that you make, and how successful your business is. At this point, six months into this year, I’ve already surpassed my numbers from last year. That’s definitely success. But one of the things that I also believe in is that success is being in alignment with what I’m here to do, who I am here to be, — and for me that is changing people’s lives and making an impact.
How can women enroll in your courses?
I have courses that are running all the time. The majority of my work now is on soul expansion, which is getting deep into your whole purpose for being here. I’ve created a program that helps to align with what your soul designation is (there are five different soul designations that are existing on the planet at this time), your purpose for being here, what your path looks like, understanding and uncovering that, learning how to tap into, hear, and communicate with your soul on a daily basis.
The second layer that I do in my programs is I teach people how to be master psychics and healers, no matter what that looks like for them — whether it is being a medical intuitive, a medium, diving into the Akashic Records, being an angel channel, a channel of celestial beings, it’s doing physical healing, energy healing, or manifestation. I’ve taught people how to do everything. I can see what your special ability is, how to access that, open up and understand your own energy, and understand healing at a much deeper level. There’s entry-level, which is the basic psychic development — psychic responsibility and opening up your gifts — all the way up to master healer, master psychic, and master energy worker. People can go to my website at Carriecardozo.com, email me carrie@carriecardozo.com or check out my bio in Instagram for direct links to my courses. I have both self-study and live groups and services.
When it comes to manifesting, what is your big vision for the future?
One of the ways that I’ve been able to manifest such really amazing things in my life is through trust and alignment. It’s multiple layers. For one, I trust myself and I trust my ability to connect with energy, to align with what I want, to call it in, to be at that same frequency. I trust myself to show up, to do the work and to stand in my power. I also trust the Universe. I know each and every single soul is here for a very important reason. There are things each of us are meant to experience, to have, do and be. When we trust, stop trying to force and control, and align with our fate, we are able to truly have and become what we came here to experience.
Finish this sentence : “My gift to the world is…”
Activating, developing, and supporting psychics develop their unique skills so they can help me create a world that normalizes Psychics and the power they hold to bring positive change they are fated to make in their lives.
All Photo Credits – Damaly Shepherd
“If you don’t know, don’t Google it, don’t read a book. Channel it. You have access to unlimited information, you just have to believe it.”