CEO Erin Gerner Coaching
Meet the beautiful and bold Erin Gerner. A Carolina girl at heart, she grew up in Myrtle Beach South Carolina and now lives in Dallas, Texas. A Former Attorney, Successful Online Entrepreneur, and CEO of Erin Gerner Coaching. She holds the title of mother, wife to her soulmate of fifteen years, and life coach for attorneys. Erin teaches women in the law to tap into their purpose, ignite their passion, productivity and profit allowing space for the inner peace and fulfillment they crave in both their life and business.
Walk us through how you got into the coaching space from being an attorney.
I went straight from undergrad at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill into Law school. This may sound crazy but I was one of those people who had no idea what I wanted to do when they graduated, so I decided to go to law school. I was never a woman who was like, “I dreamt of being a lawyer.” I just loved school. I was smart and I wanted to help others. My thought process was “If I don’t know what I want to do, I’ll go find myself in law school.” I laugh now at my 22-year-old mind talking. I loved law school and excelled graduating at the top of my class.
I practiced for about eight years (a combination of big law and in house) and came to realize that the high pressure, high expectation, no work-life balance environment I was in wasn’t serving me. I had also recently become a mom, my older daughter was a toddler. The atmosphere of my job at the time was very much, “do you want to be a lawyer or do you want to be a mom?” So I chose to be a mom and I walked away. I wish I could tell you that it felt great to be able to walk away and stay home with my little girl (yes I was grateful) but the shame, guilt and loss of identity that went along with that transition was something that would be a large part of my personal journey of self discovery and ultimately lead me to launch Erin Gerner Coaching.
Following the birth of our second daughter, things got tough for our family financially. My husband’s business partner passed away and we were forced to rebuild. From that lowest moment was really the time of, “okay, what are you — not we — what are you going to do?” Yes, there was a “we” in this situation, but it was more “Okay, Erin, who are you? What are you going to do? “What do you want?” It was time to wake up and take radical accountability and action. Serendipitously and simultaneously with this, a social selling opportunity swooped right in my lap. I had absolutely no experience in the industry but I jumped right in and built a very successful business.
There I found my zone of genius in the leadership and personal development space. The light bulb in my heart went on when I was coaching and mentoring women .I had found my passion and purpose. From there I continued on my own self development journey, educated myself, trained under the best of the best and began serving other women. This is how Erin Gerner Coaching was born, and my goal is to help as many women as I can on the same self discovery journey.
What advice would you give to the younger Erin?
Well, interestingly enough, inner child work is a lot of what I do — reparenting is a modality I teach to my clients. Most of us do not realize that there is a wounded seven-year-old little girl ruling our lives and driving our bus. When we can go back and sit with and talk to that little girl, give her what she needed — the love she needed, the acceptance she needed, the attention she needed —it from this place is where we can truly love and accept ourselves. This is also where the lasting transformation and healing occurs. Once you can fully love, trust and accept yourself, you become unstoppable. .
I talk to my little girl all the time. The number one thing I tell her is, “Thank you. You are strong, you are brave, and you are capable of anything. You have nothing to prove. I love you and I see you. Do not let anybody or anything tell you differently.” It took me almost losing everything to figure out that I was worthy of having it all, and that healing started with reparenting my inner child.
“Awareness is your superpower.”
How do you embody success in your daily life?
I live each day by the laws of my life, and make all decisions (career and life), emotional, family, boundaries, everything around my pillars of — purpose, passion, peace, productivity, and profit — if something does not serve me within one of those pillars, then it is not coming into my world. That’s how I protect my energy. That’s how I protect what is important to me. That is how I am most productive. That is how I’m most creative. So I really set the laws for my life, and teach others to do the same.
What routines or rituals set you up for a successful day?
This is such an interesting thing because I have gone round and round with routines. I’ve tried a morning routine and I tried to do it at the same time every single day. But I have 2 young kids so schedules change. I now give myself the grace, compassion and the permission slip that it doesn’t have to be at the same time every single day as long as it happens. And it does. I share this with my clients to give them the same permission slip to be flexible and find a routine that works best for them. .
I have a practice of meditation, journaling and affirmations. That is really where I thrive. My mind is so busy that I couldn’t initially sit through a meditation that long. Sticking with this practice and utilizing it in some way everyday has truly been soul and life-giving — to just sit and be quiet with my thoughts for 10, 15, 20 minutes, whatever it is helps me set my intention for the day or recenter my thoughts when I need to.. Even five minutes some days to sit intentionally with where I am in my day. It serves my soul. And then it serves the rest of my day, my family and my business.
How do you stay in ease and flow?
I listen to myself and my body and give myself what I need on that day/in the moment. Many women find this hard to do because the day starts coming at us as soon as we wake up and our feet hit the ground. Awareness is the key piece. When we start feeling like maybe our day is getting away from us or we’re procrastinating or being triggered by something, this is when we need to stop and intentionally think about what part of us is feeling that way, switch perspective and not allow ourselves to get off track.
What kind of courses do you have for women who want to join your space?
I help women attorneys form the laws of their life through my E-courses, one-on-one coaching programs, and live events. You can go to my website for details.
When it comes to manifesting, what is your vision for the future?
I see stages. I see impacting thousands of women. The other day someone said, “Oh my gosh, Erin, you’re gonna be the next Mel Robbins.” And I said, “No, I’m gonna be the next Erin Gerner.” So that is my huge manifesting vision — me having the platform to impact as many women as I can. Stages, books, keynotes, a podcast — however I can reach and inspire as many women to realize that they are powerhouses and worthy and capable of their dreams.
What philanthropic causes are dear to your heart?
My daughter was diagnosed with dyslexia and ADD so I have been involved, not only trying to champion her but to learn more and to be involved in that community.
I am also just a champion of women in general. There are several organizations here in Dallas that support women who are either coming out of abusive relationships or coming out of financial crisis situations. My long-term goal is to be able to use this platform to have an impact on that community of women as well.. It doesn’t matter where you are in your life today. Change is possible. You are capable. Abundance is everywhere. Each of us already has everything inside us we need to to succeed and YOU have the power to make it possible
What would you like your clients to retain the most from the work that you do?
That they’re in the driver’s seat of their life and that every decision, every thought, everything is a choice — their choice. They no longer subscribe to old stories and beliefs. They make choices from alignment, with desire and purpose for their life and become unstoppable.
What are your gifts to the world?
To show women how powerful they are when they truly harness their gifts in alignment with their purpose.