High Priestess Hallie Lifson | Activating Your Higher Self

Feminine, Goddess, Unleashing your inner power 

Hallie Lifson is a passionate and skilled priestess, therapist, and educator dedicated to helping individuals break free from life’s constraints and live their best lives. With a Master of Science in Occupational Therapy and a commitment to lifelong learning, Hallie offers a holistic approach to well-being. She guides individuals to surrender to the present moment, awaken their awareness, and fully embody their soulful selves. Hallie emphasizes the importance of loving and nurturing one’s body, seeing it as a sacred cathedral that, when cared for consistently, grants access to a natural, blissful state.

Can you share any fun quirks or hidden talents that might surprise people?

One of my hidden talents is my ability to create a space where people feel completely comfortable opening up to me. When I’m working one-on-one with someone, especially during an anointing, people often tell me everything. I believe this comes from having a naturally trusting energy that allows others to lean in and feel supported.

I’ve always had this gift. Even as a child, people would confide in me. I think I was a natural-born priestess, but there wasn’t really a place for me to fully express that role. I have a vivid memory from when I was around three years old. I had a little gold bracelet, and one day I found a dead bird. My neighborhood friend and I decided to bury it. I took off my gold bracelet and buried it with the bird as part of a ceremony we created. Ceremony has always been an integral part of who I am. I’ve always been drawn to rituals and ceremonies. I was a chalice bearer for many years in the church, and I loved the ritual aspect of it. However, I never saw the divine feminine fully represented within the church’s practices. Serving as a priestess and creating sacred spaces for others in the world’s most remarkable places is a true expression of my calling.  

Did you do this naturally? Was it a very hard awakening?

I experienced a kundalini awakening at 15.  Since then, I have charted my path by sharing my unique gifts of spirituality, magic and optimal health with those ready to receive it.  Several years ago, while on a boat in Greece. I heard a voice in my left ear saying, “reclaim your spiritual sovereignty.” It was early in the morning, and I immediately wrote everything down. Since then, I have focused on gathering women in temple space and holding ceremony in the world’s most energetically potent places, fostering a deep remembrance and a spirit of love and collaboration instead of competition.

Would you say you were ready for that at that time?

I was born ready. After raising a large family, I have devoted my time and energy to creating community and leading transformational voyages to places such as Glastonbury, UK, Mary Magdalene’s meditation cave in the South of France, Greece, Croatia, Italy, Switzerland, Norway and others.

Do you find that as you continue down this path, you increasingly connect with the culture and background that inform your practices?

Yes, I’m very Celtic and also very Nordic. I’m drawn to places where I likely lived in past lives. My Venus line runs right through Glastonbury, as well as Delphi and Eleusis.

The Magdalene temple that I guide follows the myth of Inanna. When it gets cold and dark, we retreat into our caves, symbolically entering the underworld. The temple starts in October and we reemerge in the spring, in April. We spend seven months together, passing through the seven gates. This time, the transmission is different because the women in the Temple have asked for Tantra transmissions to be added, so we will be doing them on the full moon via Zoom.

Books always helped me shift and grow.  For example, I was influenced by Ina May Gaskin’s book on spiritual midwifery in college. It seemed to find me at the right time, long before I was ever pregnant. Countless other authors and teachers have contributed to my development and skills in creating collaborative communities and experiences for women.  

I’ve always worked with the chakras as a kundalini yogi and had the knowledge and body awareness to have an ecstatic birth. In the temple, we’re creating a space where it’s safe to come back fully into the body, not just the top three chakras, which we’ve been taught are the only acceptable ones to live within. We do a lot of dancing, sensual movement, and emotional release. Many of us aren’t trained to let energy and feelings flow through our bodies. I teach people to alchemize in a safe container.

Can you tell me a bit about what that looks like and what that means?

Many of us were taught to keep our emotions under wraps, making it uncomfortable to fully display how we feel. This can lead to living a half-life, where emotions are suppressed and never fully processed.  Once you realize that you can allow emotions to flow through your entire system, you empty your emotional cup, creating space to receive more pleasure. If you don’t allow yourself to feel your emotions, you’re always walking around with an overflowing cup, making it impossible to receive and be in full pleasure.

Do you use that also in your retreats?

Yes, we primarily focus on emotional alchemy in preparation. Many of the women who come on my retreats have completed the entire temple journey with me. We’ve been working together for seven months, and emotional alchemy is a significant part of our process.  Those who were not in the temple are prepared before a retreat so that everyone arrives ready to receive.

In terms of the shifts that you’ve done internally that have helped you get here, what were some of the biggest life changing ones that you stepped into?

First, being in those liminal spaces with women during childbirth was transformative. Supporting them in such sacred moments has always been a role of the priestess, ushering souls into and out of the world. Unfortunately, birth is now often seen as a medical procedure, losing its sacredness. I bring the sacred back.

I completed priestess training with my mentor, Elaine Kalila Dowdy, through her Temple Guide program. Although I’m a therapist, holding a temple space is vastly different from leading a women’s circle. Women’s circles can become spaces where we vent our frustrations, which is socially acceptable. However, a ceremony within a temple is entirely different. It involves entering with an empty presence, witnessing each other without offering advice or life hacks. This creates a much more soulful space where we’ve let go of some of our egoic consciousness and can truly experience our soulful selves together.

In this sacred space, witnessing one another allows things to become clear. We already have the answers within us, and when given the time and space to remember that, so much becomes evident. Women are designed to support one another, and we thrive when we have a group where we can be together in all ways, nurturing each other. It’s a powerful practice, one that many women have never experienced or even know exists.

“It’s a powerful, powerful practice and one that most women have never seen, felt, or even know what it is.”

Tell us about the Tantra temple. It seems like you’re doing significant work in the community, helping women connect deeply.

Most of us were never taught about sex or how to be embodied. We had to figure it out on our own, often painfully. We didn’t learn that  we have over 10,000 nerve endings down there or how to tap into them. Because we weren’t taught, we couldn’t share this knowledge with men. It’s crucial that we learn how to activate our divine right to pleasure. As women, everything we do can be an act or ritual of pleasure.

When we’re in flow, we are truly here for pleasure. We’re designed for it. Remembering these ancient practices—wisdom that has been hidden or forgotten—is essential. In many ways, we’re like teenagers rediscovering this knowledge together. It needs to be transmitted from women to women. I’ll stand by this belief firmly: it’s time for those of us who have learned this to teach it to the younger generation. When you’re fully embodied, you are empowered. You know your boundaries and can express them clearly. Starting this education from a young age will change everything.

What advice would you give to your younger self? Other women that are “stuck” in a specific place? 

Follow your highest excitement….follow your bliss! It will open the doors to everything you desire! Make sure to surround yourself with people who help you manifest your dreams. Do not waste your time “convincing” anyone of anything. Just be it. Do it and surround yourself with others actively doing the same. 

Walk us through your offers and enrolments for women who want to join your space?

I guide a sacred tantra temple (STT) for seven months each year – The Magdalene Mystery Temple. We meet every new moon and full moon and enjoy a powerfully FUN day retreat at a lake house in Virginia every April. 

We guide a pilgrimage each May to one of the world’s most spectacularly beautiful places. In May 2025 we are traveling to where the Priestess and her skills were honored and revered – Greece! We are thrilled to announce that we have Somatic Facilitator @MadelynMoon joining us this year.

We will start in Athens and visit The Oracle at Delphi before heading to our five-star luxurious villa  in Santorini where we will help couples connect with each other like they previously had not, surrounded by the majesty, serenity and beauty of the commanding view of the Aegean Sea. 

In the temple we honor five sacred agreements. 

  1. Confidentiality 
  2. Being a sacred witness for one another
  3. Maintaining Empty Presence 
  4. We are all equal – synarchy over hierarchy
  5. We go the distance and show up for ourselves and our sisters 

On the new and full moon we get clear and set intentions…. we dance…. we learn new embodiment practices that connect us into our pleasure and purpose and our sacred sexuality.  Each woman also benefits from a monthly 1:1 session with me to supercharge her progress. These are potent  transmissions that we were likely never taught growing up.  In ancient times our mothers and other women would have taught us. We are remembering together.

I love your five sacred agreements. I would love for you to go over them a little bit more in detail because I find them so powerful.

The first rule is a given: the circle of trust. Anything shared within the temple stays within the temple, and that’s non-negotiable.

The first rule is a given: the circle of trust. Anything shared within the temple stays within the temple, and that’s non-negotiable.

The second rule involves entering the space with an empty presence. The ritual of setting up the temple helps create this state where your cup is empty. Upon entering, we’ve all learned how to bless ourselves from the blessing bowl, which is filled with anointing oils, gemstones, and flowers. This can be done at home on Zoom as well. You bless yourself, anointing each chakra, and then you’re smudged. In-person, we do this together, but it’s also something you can do remotely.

When you enter the space, there’s usually an Oracle deck available. Everyone remains silent, which helps tap into your inner wisdom. This quiet time with the images allows you to connect deeply. The final step is the gate, where I pose a pointed question relevant to the temple’s theme for the month. You have to release something that’s preventing you from being in your full power or embodying love. This can only be answered from a place of deep silence, not from your personality-self. When you step in, having encountered your divine essence, you are transformed. You enter the sacred space as your soulful self, ready to be a sacred witness for your sisters.

Another key principle is that we are all equal. Synergy over hierarchy is fundamental here. Women, when in our highest selves, naturally operate through empowerment rather than competition. This is how we are hardwired to operate, but it’s been obscured by a patriarchal system for thousands of years. I make it clear every time that we are all equals. Life itself is our initiation, and while the temple can be revelatory and supportive, our life experiences are the true initiatory process.

The final principle, “Go the distance,” can be the hardest. We are all so overwhelmed, especially mothers, who are often exhausted. Sometimes it’s easier to stay in your PJs than go to temple. But we remind each other of our commitment, not just for ourselves but for our sisters too. We nourish each other, laugh, dance, and improve our lives together. This regeneration flows out to everyone we touch—our children, families, colleagues. In this frequency, there’s no competition. We cheer for our sisters to live their best lives because it’s mutually beneficial.

How long have you been hosting this retreat now?

I started retreats about four years ago. Initially, I began attending retreats myself, and soon my clients expressed interest in joining. I thought, “I can totally do this!” With five kids, organizing retreats seemed manageable. I began with mountain retreats around Virginia, planning them for the spring, fall, and winter. As I continued, my passion for being outdoors and riding horses led me to organize a larger retreat—a cowgirl retreat for 18 women at a ranch in Colorado, which we have repeated by popular demand.  I soon added transformative retreats in Europe since I am intimately familiar with many of those destinations.  I have guided retreats to England, France, Croatia, Italy, Switzerland and Greece.

This upcoming year, we’re introducing something new for the Temple. We’re inviting the men in. For a six-week period, the men will receive their own transmission, paralleling what the women have learned, in preparation for an epic voyage in which the couples will be invited to connect in newly potent ways. There will be homework assignments and date nights for these six weeks. The pilgrimage this year is to Santorini, Greece. We host this experience – limited to only six couples – in Santorini’s most spectacular villa perched on a cliff with a commanding view of the famous mystical Caldera and the Aegean Sea. 

The villa’s private chef prepares our meals, we embark on a romantic sunset sail, enjoy the remarkable beauty of this most romantic island, and come together for ceremonies and transmissions that deepen and expand each couple’s connection.  (https://www.mythicadventuretravel.com/mythic-union-pilgrimage). This retreat will brings meditation and a deeply loving, soulful state into the bedroom—something most of us haven’t been trained to do unless we’ve undergone extensive training. Even if you’re an expert, this program will reignite everything. Being in Santorini, you’ll feel like you’re on the top of Mount Olympus, remembering your divine essence and allowing that to play out in the bedroom.

You talk a lot also about sacred sexuality, and pleasure and purpose. Can you elaborate a bit more on sacred sexuality and how that applies in couples?

I believe it is absolutely vital for health and well-being to truly understand and embrace the concept of worshiping one another, not just in a superficial way. It’s about deeply appreciating and honoring each other.

Do you have practices or advice for couples on how to create intimacy, especially since many women haven’t learned how to open up or access that level of connection?

Yes, definitely. It is not as complicated as we think and it starts with having joint rituals. It’s not just about the bedroom; it’s about connecting deeply throughout the day. Real intimacy involves understanding what your partner needs and what they may be scared of. Ask, “How can I support you in your manifestation for today?” Morning rituals, gratitude practices, and specific breathwork can help foster deeper connection. There’s a lot of focus on breathing together and maintaining a deep, supportive connection throughout the day.

MANIFEST WITH US : What are you actively calling in now? 

 I am calling in the Sister Goddesses who are ready to remember that they are perfectly divine and perfectly human and that all acts of love and pleasure are your rituals AND to bring this magic into their partnership! 

Do you believe that every woman has the ability to tap into her deep wisdom?

It’s innate within us. For the past few thousand years, we’ve experienced trauma that has disconnected us from our bodies. However, as long as you have a body, the answer is yes—you can reconnect and heal.

What are your rules and rituals for an abundance mindset?

I enjoy my own sovereign sacred start and manifestation rituals before having coffee with my husband where we ask how we can support each other each day. We manifest the FEELINGS we desire and call them in together. In the evening we engage in a daily gratitude ritual to celebrate what we have accomplished and created each day.

Can you tell me more about your magical formula for living a harmonious life?

I’ve been practicing yoga since I was a little girl. My grandmother was a ballet teacher and yogi, so I began practicing in my teen years. I love to wake up with the sun and watch it rise. Movement is medicine for me. I love to dance, and I dance every single day. I hydrate with water from a spring near my house, procuring it myself and blessing it with my intentions.

Every act throughout the day can become a ritual, a manifestation tool to help you stay prayerful, centered, loving, and kind. It’s about walking as love in the world. Utilizing these tools doesn’t mean you’ll always be perfect. There will be moments of anger, but when you’ve done the work, you can recognize when you’re out of alignment and find your way back. Often, it’s not that different from when you were little—you might just need rest, nourishment, hydration, or someone to love and witness you.

Many of us are deprived of sunshine, high-quality mineralized water, and healthy, organic food. But it doesn’t have to be complicated. The essentials are movement, sunshine, good mineralized water, healthy food, and self-respect. When you respect yourself, it’s difficult for others to disrespect you. Boundaries and prioritizing how you feel are crucial. In the temple, we support each other in these healthy habits, making them a natural part of how we live our lives.

Do you have any mantras, mottos, or daily sayings that you frequently use or share with women?

I love the Sophia Code. Even before I read it, I was practicing myofascial release and often used the mantra “Om Mani Padme Hum” during bodywork. I think I chanted it for three years straight. I also use this mantra with water frequently.

I like to ground my energy through the root chakra, envisioning two cords going down into the center of the earth and pulling rich, red energy up the base of my spine. Sometimes, I say the seed sound for each chakra as I move up the system, or I’ll just pop a bubble of protection around myself. When at an airport, for example, I ground into the earth, go through each chakra, activate the heart center, the soul star, and the God star, and then put a protective bubble around myself. I affirm that any negativity or fear coming towards me will bounce off this bubble and be transmuted by the universe. 

Energetic hygiene is another crucial practice, often overlooked. We’re taught to wash our hands, but not how to cleanse our energy. In the temple, we teach these practices. For example, after bodywork or a stressful experience, getting your body into salt water helps discharge negative ions. Exposing ourselves to all of nature’s elements is essential.  We learn from the direct experience of gazing into a fire, submerging in water, walking barefoot on the earth, and allowing the breeze and sunshine to nourish our bodies.  

Prayer is also significant because when you can ask for help, you receive it. However, you need to be open to what comes through, which requires quiet time. It doesn’t have to be a long meditation. I prefer what I call “22 minutes of bliss,” which involves shaking as a Kundalini yogi, stretching with my breath, and then dancing freely. Afterward, I lie down or sit quietly to receive what I need. If I need clarity, I ask my guides and call in Mary Magdalene and Yeshua, inviting their perfect love and peace. I also call in my ancestors, specifying the highest frequency vibration.

These practices are explored in depth in the temple, which is a sacred space for these experiences. The temple sessions occur every seven months, allowing me to travel and take people around the world during the other months. During the seven months of the temple, we align our activities with the lunar cycle. Each participant receives a one-on-one clarity call with me each month, and we have full moon temple gatherings. We start on the new moon this October and welcome all to join.

To get in touch, and work with Hallie : Contact Hallie on Instagram at @hallielifson, book a soul chat with her at https://duramatertherapy.com/ola/services/consultation-call, and explore the mythic pilgrimages at www.mythicadventuretravel.com.

Priestess with Me: Hallie’s heart-centered community, the Magdalene Mystery Temple, is a sanctuary for those seeking beauty, magic, and support in manifesting their dreams. The Temple invites participants to drop their egos at the gate and connect deeply with their souls. The journey begins each October on the new moon and runs through April, culminating in a retreat and pilgrimage to sacred sites. Monthly meetings on new moons for intention setting and full moons for embodiment practices help members remember their innate power and strength, emphasizing that they are most powerful together.

Heal With Me: Hallie’s “Stressed to Blessed” program is a 12-week journey to achieving one’s desired health vision. This balanced program covers nutrition, sleep, exercise, gut health, and energy levels, supported by Hallie’s functional medicine expertise. The simple yet comprehensive formula guides individuals to a healthier and more fulfilled life.

Travel with Me: Hallie invites you to reconnect with nature and your true self through immersive travel experiences. Her trips, detailed on www.mythicadventuretravel.com, blend yoga practice with the wonders of the world, helping participants remember what makes them uniquely alive and vibrant.

“Prayerfully move your feet  while  following  your bliss to manifest your dreams!”

All Photo Credits – Roman Lifson of Mythic Adventure Travel

 Tap into the ethos of Hallie’s retreats, visit mythicadventuretravel.com

Visit her website for details to join the feminine sovereign. 

Follow her on Instagram @HallieLifson

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