Jacqueline Hopper, acclaimed as the Best Selling Author of “Becoming: A Journey to Discovering Inner Peace,” is not only a Self Mastery Guide and Energy Healer but also the esteemed host of the podcast, “The Sovereign Soul.” Leveraging her psychic abilities, Jacqueline empowers individuals to unlock their intuitive, psychic, and healing potential, guiding them toward living more authentically.
As a proud mother of four beautiful children – Lauren, Jake, and twins Alex and Mason – Jacqueline adeptly manages the delicate balance between family, business, and Self. Her unique ability to navigate these realms while assisting others in doing the same reflects her commitment to a mission and purpose: helping spiritual thought leaders radiate brighter and create a more profound impact in the world.
Drawing from the wealth of experiences gathered since the initiation of her spiritual journey in 2009, coupled with insights gained throughout her entrepreneurial endeavors, Jacqueline has successfully aided thousands of individuals in transforming their life purpose into fulfilling careers.
Let us begin by going into details about anything or any parts of you that are not so known from your online presence.
I think something that’s not well known on the social media space is that I am currently moving through a divorce and that I am currently learning to balance life from this new state of being. Learning and leaning into the power within myself to bring it all together on my own and trusting that Spirit has my back!
On a lighter note, I take my obsession with coffee very seriously. Really, it’s bad (laughs). While that is known on social media, the depth of my obsession is totally underrated. I also find a lot of joy in just driving. If I can be in my car, driving, with a coffee, I get a lot of joy from that. It’s my happy place!
Unless we’re a close friend you wouldn’t know just how connected I am to Jesus and Christ Consciousness. My relationship with spirit has allowed me to really connect to and come into a deeper awareness of God/Source. That’s actually something I’ve been expressing more in my online presence!
Walk us through what brought you into the field specifically of transformation and healing?
I have always known that I was intuitive and I always knew that I was supposed to be a teacher and a healer. My “God Spark” which is my voice, is the modality that I use to serve as many people as I possibly can. In 2017, I literally had a “coming to Jesus moment” where I couldn’t learn from someplace or someone else. I couldn’t read another book, because I had consumed them all it felt like.. My guides were really clear that I was to be that presence for other people and that I was meant to be a thought leader who was meant to bring self-mastery into form. Because I wasn’t getting that from anywhere else. At the time, it wasn’t being taught by anyone else. I mean, Gabby Bernstein, Oprah, it just wasn’t being spoken about in other spaces.
So that’s when I knew that I had to start my own leadership focused all around Self Mastery and helping other women step into their own spiritual gifts and abilities and it quickly became a successful business. It quickly turned into multiple six figures each year and to date has done over $1M dollars. It is definitely something that I honestly couldn’t have done without Spirit. And it goes to show you just don’t realize what people need until you put yourself out there to show them what YOU can do. Through my experiences, both learned and lived, I was able to really step into this space, and affect the life of more than just one person.
Now when it comes to your own personal journey, I know there has been a lot in terms of your relationship that was awakening. Did you have any moments or catalysts that really drove you to dig deeper into yourself?
So for me, it’s always been my kids. My children will always be my biggest catalyst! When I wrote the first book, it was dedicated to my kids, because I want my children to know that they can accomplish anything they put their minds to. I wanted to show others around me as well that they too are capable of great things! I think it’s important to hold space for others’ potential. I’ve never resonated with just raising children to see life as high school and then college, and to then step into a job. I want mine to desire more!
Most recently, it’s also been my divorce and the burnout that came from trying to be it all and do it all without really stopping and tending to myself. Digging deeper into why that was and what I needed to do for myself was huge! I was at a place in my life where I was numb and truly had to heal the burnout to realize my purpose again.
The end of 2023 was really, really hard for me, because I was seeing that my ambition was actually starting to really create restrictions. And so sitting in that and really healing that, reclaiming my own self and my own power helped me come back to the remembrance that, I get to be all the things I get to be a single mom, I get to be a successful business woman, but I also get to tend to my own personal needs.
When it comes to your expansion, what would you say has been the biggest thing that really allows you to leap into your power?
The “aha moment” was when I stopped asking for permission from others! I decided I was the one in charge of my journey. I was the one that got to say what was what, um, the aha moment was when I realized when I wasn’t satisfied, that satisfaction was actually the key to my success.
“My life symbol is an arrow.”
I don’t believe that we can ever go backwards and I don’t resonate with ever being stuck. Like an arrow that moves forward, I knew that the burnout, most especially, that feeling of not being in my purpose, was propelling me further towards more inner expansion. What I share with women, my daughter included, is that it’s okay to rest because that rest is what’s preparing us for that next level of life that we’re about to walk into – and that our willingness to rest is key.
What about advice to your younger self?
Oh my gosh, to my younger self, I would tell her that, you’re going to be featured in a magazine one day that focuses on women empowerment. You’re going to do really big things that you have to believe in yourself and trust in your own voice more than anything else.
Are there any lessons that you’ve either taught Lauren, your daughter or that you really wish to instill in her as she’s growing into her own?
The best thing that I can do for my daughter is to show her who I am in every moment when I am freaking out, when I’m scared, when I have anxiety, when I believe in myself, when I don’t believe in myself, when Im celebrating big wins, when Im standing in my power– I’ve never hidden myself from her….. ever. I gave birth to my best friend. So I choose not to hide anything from her and I think that that’s the best thing that I can do for all of my kids is to be on full display and to show them who I am – and then by extension who they are. I would want to support her in stepping into the power that comes from being the most authentic version of who she can be and to be proud of everything she accomplishes!
Now walk us through your current offers that are launching now in the spring and the winter, just what you have setting up for 2024 and their launch dates.
I’m in the midst of writing my second book and my hope is that that is going to be something that I get to publish by the end of the year. I have an Oracle deck that’s in the making as well.
What feels the most aligned for me right now are my one-to-one experiences with women and helping them realize the Divine presence within themselves, and starting to really hold that space where they can develop their psychic, intuitive and their healing abilities. Because of everything I moved through in 2023, especially with the burnout, holding that space for them to heal is important. I love doing more intimate work with women, there’s truly nothing else like it. I’ve crafted two very different programs. One’s a three month experience and one’s an eight month experience. My eight month one is more exclusive and the beautiful thing about that one is that it comes with an invitation to one of my in person retreats.
I also have my various group programs in addition to my in person retreats that Ill be offering this year. Id love to meet in Costa Rica or maybe even London!
I think the thing that I love most about self-mastery is it’s not a one size fits all. And I think that everybody’s experiences are meant to uniquely shape them. So that’s why I’m so passionate about working with women in a private container and in more private settings, because that’s when they thrive. That’s when they feel safe. That’s when they feel seen and that’s when the biggest expansion takes place.
Now the big manifest question, as you know, Jacqueline, we are all about calling in your dreams, desires, bringing them into reality. Give us the biggest thing you want to bring into your world this year and then in the near future.
I think I want to manifest some speaking experience and expand my reach in that area of business! Speaking opportunities such as TEDx Talks, that’s the first thing that popped into my mind. So that’s what I’m calling that in for 2024.
So what would you think your speech or your conversation would be angled towards?
The title would be “The 5 Levels of Healing and The Power of the P.A.U.S.E”. We heal on five levels, mentally, emotionally, energetically, physically and spiritually. “PAUSE” which is an acronym that I created, represents : Presence, Acceptance, Understanding, Support and Expansion.
When we can be present, in the moment and in our bodies., we can begin to accept where we are, not settle but allow. From that state of acceptance we can begin to have an understanding of where we are and perhaps why we are there. From there, we call in the support of the angels, of our guides and of the spirit world so that we can expand beyond whatever it is that we’re struggling with or faced with.
Most are aware that our mental attitude creates energy. Energy in motion creates an emotion and when our emotions are unchecked long enough we can begin to experience some physical symptoms. So my speech for TEDx would absolutely be the five levels of healing, the power of the pause and how that can create a deeper connection within ourselves and with the Divine.
Now when it comes to your rules, rituals, practices for an abundance mindset.
My rule for self is to never stop growing and to never stop expanding and to never stop making that connection within myself, because, you know, I have always visualized myself having a group of women that are right behind me wanting to keep going and wanting to keep striving for more themselves.
It’s always continuous growth, continuous expansion, and maintaining that connection to not just again, the God presence inside, but also the Divine. Some things that are very important to me are meditation and journaling. They are key tools that I use daily to maintain that balanced mindset and state of peace, because I think through that state of peace, that’s when the abundance and the prosperity are felt and realized for sure.
Do you have a magical formula for a harmonious life?
I think it’s about intention and I think it’s about the desire to be in harmony. It’s interesting because as I was channeling around this, my guides actually just stepped forward and they remind me that harmony is a state of being, it’s not a destination.
“Harmony is a state of being, it’s not a destination.”
Now your soulmate clients, what would you want them to retain the most?
That they are more powerful than they realize and that they hold more of the Divine within them than they have tapped into and that all of their dreams are within their hands already. That if they are ready to expand and explore I am excited to welcome them into my community!! Id say, “I’ve been waiting for you!”
Photography by Marissa Howe