Melissa Ruiz | Quantum YOU

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 A soulful business coach powerhouse that mentors mystical off beat entrepreneurs to start and scale their business through a spiritually universal lens. She is a New Yorker at heart who is on the verge of selling everything and travel cross-country in an RV with her wife and dog King. From a spiritual awakening that entailed leaving a six-figure position as a TV producer for MTV, she took off to travel and discover her true soul’s calling. Through deep healing she discovered her true self, and launched her soulful business. Today she teaches thousands how to reclaim their worth, call in their desires and live a life of true freedom and abundance. She is a mystical being, a pure soul, a voice of a generation.

Tell our readers a bit more about yourself, especially what we don’t already know from your social media.

I had to do a lot of healing before I became an online anything. I was just a human who went through lots of trials and tribulations, especially through my upbringing — being Latina and growing up with just enough. And I think that was the model — it was “just enough.” And so I think a lot of the things that people don’t know about me is that I didn’t always have it easy. I had to work hard for the things that I had. And I feel like that prepared me. Eventually, I ended up becoming an overachiever in my life with that not-enoughness and trying to prove myself as a Latina, working hard. My oldest sister was the first person to graduate college, I was the second one. 

I come from a household where English is actually my second language. I learned English in school. That’s probably something I’ve never shared with anybody. Spanish is my first language, that’s my native tongue. Both my parents only speak Spanish, and they’re very old school. So speaking English was a big no, no, in our household. It was actually deemed very disrespectful. So they were like, “What? No, no, no. Speak to me the way we taught you to speak.” I grew up with a lot of values, in a super strict Latino household, but that anchored me into who I am today and in my foundation. 

Something else a lot of people don’t know is that I grew up with a parent with mental health issues. It’s so interesting to see myself do this work now where I’m empowering people. I think a lot of that came from my household and seeing how depression and anxiety look up close. When humans are not happy, we disassociate, we become disembodied. Ultimately, it does create disease. It was never my mission but I think I just fell into it because God Spirit/Universe had a bigger plan. I was born into this family very specifically so I can learn all of those soul lessons and learn to break the cycle and not repeat them.

What has been one of the biggest lessons that you have learned on your journey? 

The first one that comes to mind is alchemizing limiting beliefs. Not buying into what people think that you should be — even yourself, your community, your family. That’s one thing that I’ve learned on my healing journey that really applies everywhere in my life. In my community and school, I think I dimmed my own light because people saw me a certain way. I felt like I had to work really hard. That came from my upbringing, but at the end of the day, I was choosing to believe those thoughts. I can tell you about yoga, meditation, being in nature, connecting with plant beings, connecting with animal kingdom beings, and connecting with crystal beings. There are so many beautiful things that the Earth has to offer. 

But the thing that imprisons us the most is our mind and the thoughts that we believe about ourselves. The narratives and the stories that we tell ourselves actually create the most disruption. There’s a lot of work being put out right now, especially in the somatic realm, especially with bodywork, especially with mindfulness, and meditation. There are human beings right now on Earth school that are being initiated with these light codes, with these downloads. 

What advice would you now give to your younger self?

Just trusting myself more. I think that is what I was lacking. Of course, I can sit here empower the younger version of myself and comfort this being and let her know that everything is going to be okay. But the message that I really needed to hear was that I needed to activate intuition, I needed to trust who I truly was, that I was going to be initiated into a path of the unknown and that that was perfect, and that I didn’t need to know what was coming up next to protect myself, that I had myself, that there was nothing else I needed to do to be any more accomplished. I think it was that I just needed to relax. I needed to just know that things were going to work out. 

Are you ready for a Quantum leap?

Join me in supporting mystical entrepreneurs!

We want to create a ripple effect of infinite possibilities for mystical spiritual entrepreneurs to step into alignment and unleash and unveil their soul’s purpose through business

We aim to dismantle conventional business practices while supporting offbeat mystical entrepreneurs. We strive for diversity and inclusion, uplifting the BIPOC and LGBTQ+ communities to their highest spiritual & financial potential. 

We have seen our clients not only create the most innovative businesses online with the least amount of resources but paving the future of business.

We are 80% BIPOC

We are 68% LGBTQ+

Event Overview

We have breathwork, meditations, movement and other activities that have you tap into your own inner wisdom. VIP gets you a private dinner with all of the guest speakers and performers, and the mastermind behind it all, Melissa Ruiz. 

Click here to buy your ticket, today!

Photo Credit – Sophia Pav / Creative Director @Ale_ssioFilippelli

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