Spiritual Self-Love Teacher
Olanikée is a force to be reckoned with. She’s the self-love Queen, CEO of Goddess Detox and Founder of the Selfish Babe App, which is a platform that empowers women to love themselves fully. She’s an activator, a soul-led business woman, on a mission to inspire millions of women to rise to their full potential and seek more joy and pleasure in their every day lives. Whether you’re part of the Selfish AF Academy or getting daily affirmation from the Selfish Babe App, or indulging in the crystal Yoni wash, you’ll rise to the Goddess vibes with Olanikée!
Tell us about your multimillion-dollar spiritual women’s wellness company, Goddess Detox.
Goddess Detox, I like to call it a “Spiritual Women’s Wellness” company because it is a wellness company primarily focused on personal care products for a woman, a.k.a. feminine hygiene. I say “Spiritual” because there is a spiritual component to it. I want my Goddess Detox Babes to really utilize the power of their words, to really utilize the power of their tongue. Basically, for them to speak in affirmation or speak in intention before using the product or while using the product. Any product that we come out with, I like to have some type of spiritual connection with.
Give us background about the brand and how it came to life.
Goddess Detox was established in 2015. I started it when I was at FAMU getting my master’s in Community Psychology. I think that was the beginning of my spiritual journey. That was a time when I was learning about womb wellness, I was learning about affirmations, and crystals. I was really taking my personal development a lot more seriously. Understanding manifestation, understanding the power of our thoughts and the power of our words, and just listening to different people. When I started Goddess Detox, I really wanted to have a company focused on women and womb wellness, because at that time, my first and best-selling products were our Goddess Vaginal Detox Pearls.
Goddess Vaginal Detox Pearls are just all-natural herbal suppositories that women insert into their vagina, made with all-natural herbs like Angelica and Motherwort, that create more warmth inside the vagina. When we talk about womb wellness, a lot of times, Western women’s wounds are a lot colder, energetically, than maybe women on the Eastern side. When you have these nourishing herbs that are in your womb, going into your uterus, you’re really, putting a heating pad over your womb space. Not only on a physical level but a spiritual level. I know that the herbs are vibrating at a certain energetic level, I know that your words are going to be vibrating at a certain energy and frequency, and I also know your womb is also vibrating at a certain frequency as well.
Some women, are going through breakups. We like to say, “Detox your ex.” If you were a woman doing that, then you would say, “Hey, my intention for this cleanse is to detox x out of my womb space.” The reason why we bring this up is because when you are interacting with somebody such as a sexual partner, you are exchanging energy with them. My Babes know that they want to move on, they want to move forward. So they want to cleanse that person’s energy out of their womb space. Some women just really want to reconnect to their womb, reconnect to their vagina. They want to start showing more love to their vagina. So their affirmation can be, “I love myself, I love myself, I love myself.” As they are cleansing, they want to cleanse away things and habits that don’t show that they love themselves, to create space to show that they do love themselves. Some women are using it for wetness, libido. Some women are dealing with really heavy and painful menstrual cycles and the herbs in our product really help to reduce menstrual cycle cramps as well.
Our Vaginal Detox Pearls are an overall vaginal cleanse but it also adds a lot of nourishing herbs to the uterus as well as the vagina. Many clients have said that after using the Goddess Vaginal Detox Pearls they feel more positive energy. They don’t feel like their womb is as heavy as it used to be. They feel like more opportunities are coming into their space. That’s because, as we like to say, your womb space is a place of creativity, it’s a place of life. As a woman, when you’re dealing with your womb in this way — in an intentional way — there can be a lot of positive shifts that happen in your life.
Can you explain what ancestor veneration is and why you recommend it for manifestation?
Ancestor veneration is when you honour those that came before you — in your bloodline — that were people of good character. So for example, for me, my grandma. I’m always showing love to my grandma. I have an ancestral altar for her. An ancestor altar is a sacred space that I go to, to speak with my ancestors. For my personal understanding and my beliefs, my ancestors are always with me. But I do have a space in my home that is dedicated to me uplifting them. So I’m going to have some fresh water. I’m going to have, a plant. I may have a shot or a glass of alcohol, like maybe some rum or some gin. I’m going to have a white burning candle, and then some flowers. I’ll probably burn some incense. I may give some offerings, such as food. I like to give this example. There’s a Disney Channel movie called Coco, and I feel like they really explain and break down ancestor veneration in a way that everybody can understand. But from my understanding, when I’m giving offerings to my ancestors — I’m adding energy to them so that they can help me here in this physical realm.
When it comes to ancestor veneration and manifestation, it’s like actively working with my spiritual team. My ancestors of great character are on my spiritual team. Anything that I’m coming up against, such as an obstacle, or even things that I want to do, I’m going to let them know. I talk to my ancestors nearly every day. I say good morning, I say good night. I let them know what’s happening in my business. I let them know if I’m having a problem. When I was buying my home, because I’m a business owner, I needed a jumbo loan as it was a higher-priced home. I was giving the person all the things that they needed, and they needed this one last thing. But, you know when you’re just so tired? It was like, “Dang, I just want to wave the white flag. I’m done.” That’s how I felt. So I told my ancestors, “Hey, this is happening…” I affirmed, “I have the house swiftly and with ease.” I told them I wanted it. I gave them an offering. Next thing you know, everything went through.
So when I say “ancestor veneration” and “using it for manifestation,” when we’re talking about creating something from the unknown into the physical reality, I think that ancestor veneration is oftentimes not thought upon because it’s not really talked about. When we talk about ancestor veneration, this is coming from Hoodoo, typically African-American spiritual practices. A lot of times we’re using different herbs and roots in order to come about a change, just like when I talked about the Goddess Vaginal Detox Pearls and how those are herbs but when we set our intention, there are metaphysical properties that these herbs have.
Anybody can do this. Anybody can honour their ancestors. I just want to make sure it’s clear that ancestor veneration is a part of the manifestation community as well. Because you can use your spiritual team, your ancestors. If you’re giving them energy and you’re letting them know what’s happening, they can really break down barriers for you. So that’s why I like to bring that connection as well.
Tell us about your unique best-seller, crystal Yoni washes?
At Goddess Detox, we came out with two new washes. The first one is called Pu$$y Power, and Pu$$y Power is our Rose Quartz Yoni wash. It’s a plant-based Yoni wash. It has essential oils, sea salt, and it also has rose quartz crystals. The affirmation that comes with this wash is, “My pussy is powerful.” On the back of the bottle, we have at least five other affirmations dedicated to women for their womb space. When a woman is using our foaming wash, they’re going to squirt it into their hand, they’re going to say, “My pussy is powerful,” into the wash, then they’re going to rinse and wash off the outside of their Yoni area. The reason we came out with our crystal washes is because we wanted to have a product for goddesses where we have the embodiment of the love energy. Everybody knows that rose quartz crystals connect to the energy of love. We want the energy of love to go into that powerful space, that vaginal space for women.
We have our Wealthy Woman Wash, and that one is our Citrine Crystal Wash. Citrine crystal is known for prosperity and abundance and success. Our affirmation that goes with this one is, “I am a wealthy woman.” The other affirmations on the back are about wealth and prosperity. Again, a product for Goddess is basically an all-natural wash for your vagina — for the outside of your vagina, it’s a feminine hygiene wash — but it has a little razzle-dazzle with the crystals inside.
Why do you think women should be more selfish in their lives?
Oftentimes, when women talk about self-love, the quote is, “Self-love is not selfish.” That’s what a lot of people say. It’s cute but I don’t agree with it. I believe self-love is selfish because a woman is thinking about herself. A woman is not thinking about anybody else. For some people, when they hear that, they think it’s selfish in a negative connotation. I want to have “selfish” be something positive.
What advice would you give a younger Olanikée?
I think the advice that I would give myself is to remember that I’m “the bomb dot com” and that anybody should be grateful that I’m in their presence. That would really be my advice. Because I feel like I’ve dated some people in the past that were really not up to par with where I was. I gave a lot of myself to people that didn’t deserve it, but I didn’t see that. I really wanted them to want me and desire me. So it was more, “I’m giving to show how worthy I am.” I want to come into the waters a more confident version of myself.
What practices do you implement regularly to embody success?
I like to choose myself. That could be something really small, such as deciding to take a nap, deciding to order a dessert, taking a walk, reading a book, or watching something on YouTube. Because I’m doing it on my time. I just get to choose myself.
Tell us about your free self-love app, SelfishBabe!
The SelfishBabe app is the go-to app for self-love. Basically, it’s an app that’s going to give women daily self-love reminders and affirmations on their phones. We have over 200K users so far. It’s free to download, free to register. You’re also going to hear my SelfishBabe Selfish Talk Podcast, which is a top-200 self-improvement podcast on Apple. It’s really about self-love and spirituality.
Tell us a bit more about the courses and containers that you hold space for?
If you go to SelfishBabe.com and you click on “Courses and E-books” I have a lot of resources to help women selfishly and authentically love themselves and live the life that they desire. My number one program is my Selfish AF Academy. It is my spiritual self-love upgrade, a program for the woman who desires to put herself first (or as the altar) and start honoring herself as the goddess she is. If you’re a woman that’s like, “Hey, I really want to love myself on a deeper level. I really want to connect to myself. I really want to show myself that I am a goddess,” my Selfish AF Academy is going to show you that. I’m going to show you how to pray for yourself. I’m going to show you how to make your spiritual baths for cleansing, as well as for manifestation. I’m going to show you how to romanticize yourself with the mirror. My Selfish AF Academy is the number one self-love program.
My other major program is Securing The Bag: Becoming The Wealthy Woman Live Experience. This is a live four-day group experience. I’m teaching you how to become the flourishing “Rich Bitch” in your life. I was able to grow my business to seven figures, so in this program, I’m giving you the mindset around money. I’m giving you the practicality around money, what are the different options to make more money and receive more money in your life? I’m going to teach you the spirituality, “What baths can I take to attract more money into my life and make me more prosperous?” Then I show you exactly what I do, and how to gain money through an e-commerce business. It’s about becoming the “wealthy woman” in your life, not just on the physical level, but also on the spiritual level.
I also have my five-day Getting On My Shit Self-Love Challenge. If you’re like, “Hey, I want to learn more about self-love but I don’t want something too deep. I just want to do something a lot quicker that’s going to get me back on my path to loving myself,” then my five-day self-love challenge is for you.
What would you say is the gift that you have for this world?
My gift to this world is to be myself. I am a reflector in Human Design. Because I’m a reflector, the energy around me affects me a lot. What I’ve also learned in being a reflector is that being myself and going with my flow is the best thing that I can do for myself and for others. What I have learned is that me being myself, showing up for myself, loving myself, and showing up authentically as myself, impacts the world.