Dre Melissa Thibault et Cecile Poteau | Clinique BE
Dr.Melissa Thibault, Cecile Poteau | Fondatrices de Clinique Bē Nous vous présentons Dre Melissa Thibault et Cécile Poteau fondatrices de @Clinique.Be, une clinique médicale de luxe à la fine pointe de la technologie située dans l’un des endroits les plus prisés de Beloeil, à Québec. Se réunir était un processus naturel. “C’était un partenariat fait au […]
BNI Founder, Doctor Of Networking, Ivan Misner
Dr. Ivan Misner, Author of over 20 books to date, deemed the father of modern networking by multiple media outlets, has a lot to teach us all, about referral based businesses. Founder of BNI, Business Network International) built in 1985, is an American franchised networking organization where members meet weekly to discuss business and support each others […]
Do What You Love, The Rest Will Follow
“The soul of the world is illuminated by you finding your destiny” If you’ve read the Alchemist by Paulo Cohelo, (one of my favourite books of all time) then you know all about the omens and that it’s your duty to find your passion in life. I’m the living proof of that theory. When I […]